Saiki in another disastrous situation

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"Huh? Who are you?" Saitama asked as he looked at the pink haired teen who was punching the wall of the room they were in. The pinkette turned his head in slight surprise, 'How'd he get here?', he thought as the wall he had just punched got obliterated along with anything 7 kilometers in that direction. Saitama had been amazed with what this teen boy could do, ' maybe he has the same problem as me? Nah... I would run into someone like that at some point'. The pink-haired boy looked at Saitama, about to ask something before both respective main characters woke up from their dreams.

Saitama swung his hand down onto his alarm clock that was going off, sending through the floor. He leaned up, realizing the boy he had seen was just a dream. He sighed as he turned on tv, a plain look on his face. " It would kinda be cool if I could fight him..." Saitama talked to himself as he went to water the plants on the balcony.

Saiki quickly jumped up from his bed, 'This has to be Precognition, but who was that bald man, he looked kind of plain..'. Saiki shook his head as he held it in his hand. ' good grief, I can't do anything with this little information...Ah! Clairvoyance!' Saiki thought as he crossed his eyes to look for the man, 'no use, I can't find him... I guess I'll have to wait till he pops up..'. Saiki got ready for his Saturday alone, or so he thought.

"Warning to people of city-Z, a strong tornado is sweeping through the area! Stay at a safe house near you till the tornado passes," the reporter on the tv stated, holding papers in his hands. Saitama walked back inside, just missing the tornado warning. The bald man walked to the coffee table, still in his pj's. As Saitama sat and stared off mindlessly at the tv he heard an aggressive three knocks from the door. Before he could answer the door Genos slammed the door open, "Master! We should go somewhere until the storm passes!" Genos yelled, speeding over to the older male.

Saitama looked at Genos with a sweat drop on the side of his face, "What?" Genos examined Saitama for a second before responding," there is a F2 tornado in city Z and it's 33 minutes from here". Saitama looked at Genos with a blank face,"oh.. Okay" was all he said. Saitama grabbed his hero costume as he headed out the door with genos, before freezing. "WAIT! WHAT ABOUT ALL THE GROCERIES I GOT ON SALE YESTERDAY!?!" the bald man yelled. "But master those are unimportant right now," Genos said, quite accustomed with his master's sales problem.

Saiki sat reading a manga while eating coffee jelly with a spoon. He was enjoying his weekend so far until he felt a wave of pain hit his head. Groaning in pain he grabbed his head, as if it would help anything. Gritting his teeth he squinted looking up to see what could have caused it. But his vision was impaired with the pain that had all spread throughout his body. For some strange reason it had slowly gone away, letting Saiki remove his hands as he looked at the ground. Not even a second passed as he realized he was in the middle of a tornado. 'Did i do this in my fit of pain? No, I don't think I would've done that,' Saiki thought.

As Saitama and Genos had finally left the apartment Genos stopped mid step. Saitama turned to Genos, "what's wrong?" he asked. "The tornado's speed has risen, it's now at a F4 tornado and still rising. Not only that, but there is life in the middle of it, perhaps a villain that is causing it," the cyborg said with a concentrated expression on his face. "Really, then should we take care of it..?" Saitama asked. Genos noded, " It'll only get worse if no one interferes". And with that both of the heroes headed off to the tornado.

Disaster level : Psychic (OPM x Disastrous life of saiki k)Where stories live. Discover now