Tornado man dissapears??

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'I don't hear any thoughts so I should be able to- huh?" Saiki crossed his eyes and spotted the two people in his 200 meter range,'Its the bald man, he's with a cyborg. Don't tell me my brother is sending his robots to watch me'.

Saiki goes over possible ways to get out of this with the least amount of damage... to his normal life, that is. 'Damn they're traveling fast.. I need 10 minutes to turn invisible, I'll be cutting it close if I did that. But if it's one of my brother's robots than it'll probably have heat sensors. Some way to get out of here unseen and  far enough away-"

With genos and saitama-

"-huh?" Genos face turns into surprise as him and Saitama approach the tornado. Genos comes to an abrupt stop, causing Saitama to stop his legs and skid to a stop. Looking to the tornado then to Genos, who was staring it down.

"Soo?" Saitama questions, a confused look on his face. " it's gone," Genos states, scanning the tornado once again. "Oh, okay. Well the tornado's not," Saitama answers simply, as he proceeds to walk up to the tornado.

"Consecutive(?I forgot what he says) normal punch."

Saitama punches the air, causing the tornado to almost immediately disperse, leaving dust and rocks to settle on the street.

I came back to this, having one paragraph written on this second chapter, and I was feeling up to continuing to writing this, even though I haven't watched one punch man or saiki k disastrous life in a months @~@

I'm not giving up one this!
Sorry about this being soooo short

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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Disaster level : Psychic (OPM x Disastrous life of saiki k)Where stories live. Discover now