Ramen King

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~ 7:57pm ~

Knock knock knock

Jeongguk finally pulled into the apartment complex and found her door number. He held his knuckles just inches away from the wooden door after hitting it three times. Jennie had closed her eyes for a little but once she heard the door she got up to stretch and made her way to the door. She looked through the peep hole and thought 'Oh my god I never thought this day would come, JEON JEONGGUK is at my fucking door'. Jennie internally squealed, maybe a little too loud. Jeongguk heard a noise come from the other side of the door "what the-" he jumped back a bit "Jennie? Is that you? Are you ok?" He sounded concerned. The door slowly opened and a beautiful short girl came out from behind her cheeks were red and she was acting really shy "hello~" she smiled showing her face a little, though she was freaking out on the inside. Jeongguk had on a grey hoodie on and some regular blue jeans with some gray pumas. He smiled when she came in front of the door, Jennie rolled her eyes as she watched him size her. "Hey there princess" walking forward a bit and brushed passed the front of Jennie, giving her a whiff of Jeongguks cologne. Jennie closed the door and shut her eyes as the strong scent hit her like a truck as he walked in. The first thing Jennie did was hug him tightly, she couldn't help it because Jeongguk made the effort to come all this way to see her. "Thank you for coming..." she sighed into his back holding on a little to tight, hopefully it didn't bother him. Ahh a back hug, Jeongguk loved to finally feel her small arms wrap around him . "Of course sweetheart..." he set his hand on top of hers that were resting on his stomach, which he thought was cute. "Will you show me around?" He was looking around her living room seeing the tv was on at a low point volume. "Mhm~" Jennie sang taking hold of Jeongguk's hand and led him showing him around her apartment complex. It was a big apartment but she lived by herself. She showed him the living room and the view of Seoul from the big window along with everything else, she showed her bedroom last. When she opened the door to the last room Jeongguk grinned when he saw her bed and guessed that this was her bedroom "ahhh you saved the best room for last, Ive been waiting for this room" Jeongguk walked around her room looking at decorations and pictures on the wall. Jennie stood at the door watching him walking around, she wondered what he ment by that phrase. "Mm why is it the best room?" She closed the door a little and went to him being clueless. Jeongguk looked down at her. She was a bit taller then he thought, the top of her head came right to the bottom of his chin; but he didn't care it was cute. He decided to just make the move now "so that i can do this" he said quickly as he brought his hands to her cheeks and kissed her lips immediately deepening the kiss. Jennie was definitely caught by surprise when he kissed her but she couldn't complain one bit, she immediately kissed him back. His lips were soft and gentle, she loved every minute kissing him. Jeongguk wrapped his arms around her lower back and pulled her closer, lifting her up a bit and then set her back down pausing for a moment and smiled looking at Jennie. She was blushing pretty hard, he looked so handsome in real life "you're adorable" she smiled a little and pinched his cheeks as she found his smile cute. Jeongguk looked at the clock on her nightstand, it was only 8:17pm. "Wanna watch Netflix?" He asked as he playfully picked her up and tossed her onto the bed and jumped on top of her. "Sure are you hungry?" Jennie giggled and wrapped her arms gently around his neck.  Jeongguks eyes lit up when she mentioned food "ooouuu yes I'm starving lets make ramen and let's do it together" he smiled with excitement and made his way out of the room holding her hand tightly, so Jennie follows behind him. Still giggling a little from the reaction he made they came to the kitchen. "You love ramen huh?" She watched him nod his head 'yes' frantically. She chuckles and opened her cabinet that was full of just ramen "lucky for you... i love ramen too, pick whichever you want" she faced him with a smile leaning on one leg with her hand holding open the cabinet. Jeongguk looked like he was in heaven for a second, he looked at all the choices and found one of his liking. "Lets do steak and egg ramen, thats my favorite" he started to drool just thinking about it, Jennie nods a little and watched him for a bit. He went in the cabinet and grabbed the packet and then found a pot and filled it with water, putting it on the stove and let it start to boil. Jennie walked over to him putting her chin on his shoulder from behind as she watched him, she decided to jump on his back for fun. Jeongguk felt a heavy weight on his back. Almost falling back he retained his balance and started laughing knowing who it was when two arms wrapped around his neck. "Jennie I'm trying this ramen taste amazing, why don't you help make the meat for me?" He whined and spoke in a playful annoyance. "I already gave you everything you need. Why should I help you make your own ramen?" She got off him and went to the fridge and grabbed some steak and began to prepare it.

~ 10:46pm ~

After they finished the ramen, they were sitting on the couch cuddling watching anime. They were laying there for hours going through a few series like it was nothing. "Oh my g- NOOOO" Jeongguk took a bowl of popcorn and threw it at the tv. A character had just died. Jennie Jumped at his action thinking he was so overdramtic after he threw the bowl and popcorn covered the floor. "You know this is my apartment that i pay rent for right?" She pouts and crossed her arms looking at the mess he make and huffed. "Im not cleaning that either" she added as she stayed still. Jeongguk turned back to Jennie and then at the floor with popcorn everywhere. "Ahaha sorry not sorry" he said sarcastically rubbing the bottom of his chin like an idiot. He picked up a pillow from the floor and threw it a Jennie. She yelped when the pillow hit her in the face but then proceeded to throw it back at him and chase him around her living room. "I can see why everyone calls you a brat sometimes" she said as Jeongguk was laughing knowing she wasn't going to catch him.

Yes i am back from the dead
its been so long and I'm finally gonna finish this
Im going to wrote some smut next chapter

You're welcome hahah
I hope a lot of people like this
My views went up alot so im happy
If you want you can vote on it too so more people can see it
And add it to your library so you know when I update the next chapter tehe



- Lex

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