Not a wimp.

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Perhaps the day of vengeance never had been so  nerve wrecking and otherwise fantastical visit to some other world  that had no name could be a source of worry. As of yet to Harry this just got one step further into a amazing science fiction movie. The land was barren and rocky enough it seemed remarkably familiar to The Great Rocky Mountains.The sky above them was dark and and science fiction-ey it could have been used to film a TV series. Harry gasps at the sight lain before his very eyes.

"We have a target to take down." Raven reminds them.

Raven is the only one not in a suit. 

 "I suddenly feel scared." Izzy said. 

The dog seems to be undefeated. Basically it doesn't seem to be bothered by whatever climate and weather conditions. The British golden retriever walks forward sniffling out someone in this very realm that had more than one person residing in it. The ground rumble beneath the groups feet The British golden retriever lift its head up slowly wagging its tail between its legs. Izzy gulps down her fear at this potentially existence wiping mission.

"It is only  small earthquake." Raven reassures them.

The British golden retriever ran off into the distance.

"Follow that dog." Raven said.

"Why should we follow a crazy ass dog?" Harry asks.

"Because dogs have better sense than frost giants do." Izzy said.

"...Okay I'll go with that." Harry said.

The gang followed the dog yet we see Feyiona peeping over the gigantic rocks to see there were sauropod-human sized guards standing place. They were going round the correct way to get their way towards Thanos; the great and most threatening force int e entire galaxy of existence. If there even was a galaxy of existence then that would be beaten to the punch. They had assumed there wasn't going to be correct oxygen for Midgardians in this realm so this is why they had to bring it. They had to bring the astronaut suits just for this leg of the mission. 

One lousy and very ugly tall guard looked over his shoulder to see a tail belonging to a dog disappear in the corner of his eye. He initially dismissed it a his imagination on work. He turns his head away from the rocky middle pass in time for the group to sneak on by. Harry is invisible and we can hear a chuckle from him every so often. He was chuckling over a single thought that was too funny not laugh at.

"Harry Baxter." Izzy said.  "Stop chuckling. You're creeping me out."

"Then why are you comparing us to the scooby gang from the Scooby Doo  franchise?" Harry asks no where in sight. He is invisibly frankly. 

"Cause someone has the Scooby Doo theme song running in the comnlinks." Izzy said.

"What is wrong about ending a tension?" Feyiona asks, through their comnlink.

The group passed a sleeping guard who had a spear sticking  out from the crotch of his elbow and his helmet over his head that tipped up every time a snore came out.It seemed very stereotypical when analyzing that kind of scenery. It meant that Thanos did not get regular visitors.

"It gets on people's nerves. " Raven said startling Izzy and Harry.

All that walking made them forget who they were following in the first place.

"I agree." Izzy said. 

"Mr Baxter, turn off the Scooby Doo music." Raven said.

"Yes mam."  Harry said.

They eventually came to a mountainy pass close to the throne where Thanos resided.The British Golden Retriever is already chewing on a random bone it had come across during their obviously long tread through the outrageous rocky and bumpy range.They had came to abrupt halt thanks to Raven.

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