little surprises. (:

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- YN' s POV.

"But its cuuuute...." I begged my boyfriend, Chres for the little yorkie at the pet store.

"No, YN. We have too many dogs already." He said

"Meanie." I pouted. He's so mean. We have all of those big dogs at home and I want a little one.

"Thank you." He smirked.

c h r i s t m a s ❤ ∞

"Thank you, baby. I love it. " I got him a Solid gold Rolex watch.

"You're welcome. Close your eyes. "

I put my hands over my eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Open them."

When I opened my eyes, chores was standind there with a puppy. The same one from the pet store that I begged him for.

" Oh my god. You got it. "

He smiles and nods.

"I love you so much. Thank you"

"You're welcome."

"I'm gonna name you Cupcake" I said to the dog.

"Glad you like it." He said.

"Like it? I love it."

2 h o u r s l a t e r ❤∞

"I really love my present. " I confess.

"And I love mine."

"I have another present for you..."

"YN , you didn't have to"

"I didnt. You did."

"What? How?-"

" I'm pregnant "

*JSHSJN. how cute was that. Yayayay!
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