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~∞ requested: Che's POV

"BUT YOU STILL LIKE HER" I cried at my boyfriend, Ken. He still has feeling for his ex, Marie.

"But I want you, Che'." He pleaded.

"PUHLEEZ. we're D O N E. " I tried to hold back my tears. I was so heart broken that he still had feelings for an ex while we were in a relationship. And she was my friend.

I ran out of the cafeteria and into the nearest girls' restroom..

I cried my eyes out. I have never been this broken before. Maybe it's because I've never been in love before.

- N e x t D a y °

I see Ken and Marie. Hand in hand. Walking down the hallway. 

He really does like her.

I feel tears coming back into my eyes.

I try running to the bathroom, but my bestfriend, Roc stops me.

"Where you going, Chè. What's wrong?" He asked. His eyes filled with worry.

"C'mere." I pull him into one of the nearest corners.

"Did Ken do it?" He asked. Looking a little mad.

"He still has feelings for Marie. I broke up with him now he's dating h-her. " Tears fell down my eyes.

"Che', don't cry."

"I-i can't help it."

- B E L L -

"We'll talk about this at your house."

× • T h e W h o l e D a y G o e s B y • ×

"Hey, you ok?" Roc asks as he sits in my bed. He's the only guy my patents let in my room.

"No. I'm not."

"What happened with you and him while I was out yesterday?"

I tell him. He puts his arm around me.

"You don't need him, you need someone that'll treat you right."

" Like who?" I ask.

"Like me. I've always liked you."

Erm. I've always kinda liked him, but I don't think I'm ready for another relationship..

"Aw. I don't think I want to be in a another relationship so fast , though."

"Just think about it for me, please."

"Okay. Let me know tomorrow." He leaves...

❤N e x t  D a y ❤

I have thought about it and I do wanna date Roc. But I don't want it to ruin our friendship. He's my best friend..

1 new message: r o c ✊

have u thought abt it ?

Aw. He's waiting for me.

"yeah. ur my new boyfriend."

"facetime me. i want u to see the expression on my face."

F a c e T i m e

Roc has a big "kool~aid" smile on his face.

"That's your expression?" I asked.

"Mmhmm." he nods.

"You're cute." I state.

"And you're my girlfriend.

-AN: I don't like this one. Its corny and sounds nothing like Roc. But I hope you like it.


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