?????: Wake up Y/n. Me: Mhm? ?????: We have college. Me: What time is it? ?????: 7:18 AM I open my eyes to see Chaeyoung on top of me. Me: OH SHIT- GET OFF OF ME I pushed her off and she fell on her ass. Chaeyoung: MY ASS! Me: Well get an ice pack then. Then all the Blackpink members expect for Chaeyoung rushed through the door. Jennie: Why is Chaeyoung screaming? Lalisa said scratching her head and yawning: yeah why was she was screaming bloody murder. Jisoo: Ya'll woke me up. Me: Well this fat ass was on top of me Chaeyoung slapped me hard. Me: Can you leave, I need to change. Jennie: Guys, We have to leave Y/n said so. Jisoo: Yeah.. They all left so I took the chance to run to my closet.
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I tried finding an outfit that felt like hours to find and finally I found something that works:
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And my hair for today:
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With Make-up:
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Since I finished changing, I didn't know my brothers were in my dorm. ????: YAH Y/N-AH WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!?!?! Me: Wae? Yugyeom & Taehyung? Yugyeom: THATS TOO SHORT Taehyung: CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES Me: Nope. Taehyung: Change it rn Jennie: Let her be! Yugyeom: No, she has to change Jisoo: Y/n you have to go change Me: Fine. I walk back up the stairs and change into:
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Taehyung and Yugyeom: I approve. Me/ I hate this. Why do I have to. Taehyung: You have to Yugyeom: You little rats stop yelling and eat The BlackLink group looked at you like you are crazy. Me: What? Yugyeom and Taehyung pulled me by each shoulder. Me: I'm not going to school like this. Jennie and Chaeyoung drags me to the car. Me: ow, ow, ow!!! Lalisa: Get in the car we are late