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{Chaeyoung's POV}

Jennie: We are here

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Jennie: We are here...! Y/n..?
Me: What?
Jisoo: I thought she was with you
Jennie: Lalisa why are you quiet?
Lalisa: She went with Yugyeom and Taehyung.
Jennie: WENT?!
Lalisa: I was being a slow poke and I saw her behind Jisoo and Chaeyoung and Taehyung and Yugyeom dragged her into their car.
Jisso: Protective Brothers Huh?
Me: I heard nothing though
Lalisa: maybe because they dragged her quietly.
One of our good friends Momo said Hey look isn't that Y/n
Jennie: Y/N!!!!
Me: She is wearing her airpods
Jennie: of course she is
Jisso & Jennie: Stfu
Me: Make me
Jennie: You wanna die?
Me: No
Wait who is that next to her?
Jennie: Jungkook?
Jisso: Namjoon you idiot

[Y/n's POV]

Me: Jennie-unnie wait-
taehyung drags me in the car
Me: whyyyy
yugyeom: you're too irresponsible
namjoon: stfu she is a leader of our mafia group
taehyung: yeah and both our mafia groups are friends
Me: can i have a boyfriend?

Namjoon: you're jokingme: im lonelyyugyeom: ok, but don't get pregnant me: IM NOT HAVING SEX WBSBSJDJDtaehyung: BUT YUGYEOM-yugyeom: shut ittaehyung: but-yugyeom: TAEHYUNG SHUT THE FUCK UPnamjoon whispering: put your airpods inme: okay oppataehyun...

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Namjoon: you're joking
me: im lonely
yugyeom: ok, but don't get pregnant
taehyung: BUT YUGYEOM-
yugyeom: shut it
taehyung: but-
namjoon whispering: put your airpods in
me: okay oppa
taehyung: DID I HEAR OPPA???
yugyeom: oh shit not again

a few moments later..

we walking into school and namjoon's tall ass is covering me
taehyung: mhm?
me: you know jungkook?
taehyung: yeah he's my best friend EXCUSE ME WHAT-
yugyeom: 🤦‍♂️
taehyung: if you want to meet my friends then do
someone tapped me on the shoulder
me: mhm?
???: it's jackson
jackson wang: damn never knew you went ot this school
me: me neither
jackson wang: you know im going to my locker
me: okie bye oppa
taehyung: who was that?!
yugyeom: one of my best friends
taehyung drags you in the school
???: hyung!
taehyung: yes?
???: hi, is this your little sister
taehyung: yes?
???: damn i forgot my manners, hi im jeon jungkook but call me jungkook
me: im kim y/n, call me y/n
jungkook: nice name
taehyung: you better not
then i saw 4 unfamiliar guys walk up to me
???: is this y/n?
?????: y/n?
me: hoseok?
??? well we dont need to introduce
hoseok: so we have yoongi, jin & jimin
and hoseok and i turned around to an angry taehyung
me: oh shit
taehyung: you better run
i start running

[Taehyung's POV]

I was about to kill her when yoongi, jin, hoseok, & jungkook grabbed me back
me: wait where is my sister
jin: probably with namjoon
hoseok: im going to her

the bell rings

[Y/n's POV]
i ran for my life until jackson stopped me
jackson: hajima!
me: oh shit!
i stopped running and looked up at his face
me: oppa why tf are you tall
jackson: idk
Lalisa: FOUND YOU!
me: holy motherfucker!
Chaeyoung: we have the same class lets go!

-in class-
[jungkook's pov]

I saw them brust through the door and y/n wearing:

then i looked down and saw my hard dick erected me: hey taehyungtaehyung: hmm?me: i have a boner

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then i looked down and saw my hard dick erected
me: hey taehyung
taehyung: hmm?
me: i have a boner.
taehyung: hahaha for who?
me: y/n...
taehyung: oh my god 🤦‍♂️
me: i know you are a bit over protective and can you help get rid of it
taehyung: your problem, not mine
me: goddamn it
i have no hope and it's getting huge by the minute

-time skip-

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