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Kageyama was just starting his third year in junior high, and to be honest he didn't really seem to be himself anymore. after the older person he seemed to have a crush on left after graduating, Tobio had gotten more aggressive.  The raven haired boy had shoved a lot of his younger teammates, gotten into very loud arguments daily, and at one point almost getting expelled. 

Kageyama was walking down the hall, heading home. there wasn't any volleyball practice, which bummed him out but he couldn't change that. on his way home however, he wasn't paying attention and just so happened to bump into someone.

“ah, well isn't it Tobio-chan?”

oh god. that voice wasn't good, not at all. the junior high 3rd year looked up, and not to his surprise, saw Oikawa Tooru. now Kageyama had two types of emotions towards this specific person; pure love, and sadness. before the brunette had graduated, Tobio had always loved him. he didn't understand why. but currently, he knew that Oikawa had to have someone, right? the junior shook the thought from his head, and directed his attention back to his senior. he bowed respectfully, something Tobio hasn't done since the third years graduated.

“how have you been Oikawa-san?”

  Kageyama questioned, as he heard someone else walking up behind the two former teammates. 

“Oi, Trashykawa. we gotta go. we have homework and I know you aren't going to be able to do the math part.” 

the brunette quickly whipped his head around and glared at the other, who was revealed to Kageyama to be another former teammate, Iwaizumi Hajime.   

“oh, Tobio-chan! did you hear about me and Iwa-chan?”

the older seemed too excited to share this news, and Tobio was expecting what words to slip out of the other's mouth.

“me and Iwa-chan are dating! it may have took years but-”

the silent one behind Oikawa had slapped him in the back of the head, making him shut up instantly. Kageyama felt his heart drop. he should have expected it. no one like Oikawa would have been able to love someone so aggressive. 

“oh, congrats Oikawa-san.” 

Tobio managed to mumble out, trying to keep his calm and slightly angered tone.  but on the inside, boy was Kageyama crying. his heart felt like it had been stabbed repeatedly, as the pain made it hard for Tobio to hold back tears.   

after the three had bid their farewells, Kageyama sprinted home, tears starting to run down his cheeks. he slammed his front door open, and walked to his room. he locked his bedroom door behind him, slinging his stuff down into the ground beside his bed. he climbed onto his comfortable matress, and practically fell down onto it. all his energy and emotions seemed to leave, all he wanted to do was sleep, so the world could go away. he didn't wanna go through the pain he had just experienced once more. he then fell into a deep sleep.      

The Good in Me. [KageHina Angst]Where stories live. Discover now