In like a lion...

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Out like a lamb.

That, yes, that is what most people say for the beginning of march and why am I telling this to you?
Marlton written on the group chat, typically typing on his lap top as going out and meeting friends is a hazard to his health, yea he's that much afraid of germs and other shit.
"I'm telling you this because it's a theory on why I believe, we are going to have a winter storm" he finished off his ted talk as Stulinger responded with a following text
"Marlton it never fucking snows here!"
Marlton then went silent, eyes wide as he sighed and bumped his forehead against his computer
having forgotten they never had snow in years.
"Marly? You good?" Misty asked, finally typing in chat after being afk for a while.
"Y-yes I am, m-Misty!" He shouted loudly, coughing awkwardly as he typed "Yes I,am. Abigail"
"You know, we aren't really a zombie's team" Stulinger spoke up
"Of course we are! Stulinger we were made to kill t-the gross bad living dead. Treyarch made us the deal." Marlton explains
"Stop fucking stuttering in text! And I know that, but like, Look at Richtofen's gang. Or Sal's crew. Fuck! Even look at the CIA! CDC! We have local mother fucking government officials and I don't  know why!" Stulinger taps his finger against his keyboard as Misty just sighed from her home.
"Stupinjerk! Now's not the time for one of your crazy conspiracies!" She slowly typed already annoyed by him existing just now.
"Listen farmer girl! First it's the CIA and now it's those god damned CDC coming at us with a four member grouphsjgkgkshd"
Marlton closed his laptop, immediately having himself disconnected from the group chat...
"They all have four. We have three...hmmm?" He began thinking then snapped his fingers "that's it! Erika! I got it!" He proudly shouted and ran to his desk, beginning to create the design for his ad using his Square space account.
Richtofen closes his morgue, hanging up the sign as he starts his nightly walk to the suburbs, where his friends live.
Looking to the moon with great relief "It's been done. I'll be there soon." He promised as he looks forward.
Seeing lights flashing through a window "ah, their nikolai better ve drunk. I hate ven ours drinks hmmmph. No vedward. Our nikolai hasn't drank in over a veer. Wunderbar." He claps his hands and stopped infront of the door, seeing beside it the lid of the mystery box.
They didn't have the entire box since nikolai could only fit the box lid in his backpack.
Complications had to be made.
"Heh, treyarch." He simply said and entered the Z-house.
Only to hear Dempsey shout from upstairs "is that NoahJ?!"

Inside a prison, inside it's caves, you can hear a echo.
A beautiful echo, and what created those echoes were strong men, strong women all working together in the mines.
They sang their song of hard times and hardships.
People of all race coming together to make their tune work, and it went a little something like-
"COLD!" They sang proudly as their musical beats of the picaxes hitting stone rung loud
"The air and water flowing"
"Hard!" Their prison leader was stuck in the middle of the caves circle, two chainballs stuck to his feet as he was forced to kneel and starve.
"The land we call our home!"
"Push!" They had a good streak going until guards came in, shouting in annoyance as Brutus the Warden hits his hellish baton against the back of a inmate's head "SILENCE! All of you, just be quiet please..." He commanded as he left.
"Hmph" the supposed man named, Viktor laughs to himself "tomorrow try again everyone. We need him to hit me" Reznov nodded, his body sweating due to the warmth of these caves and torches "Sergei! Tell Demitri that I'm getting hungry. And tell chirnov to stop writing that Rpg anime in his journal, ok?" He ordered.
Sergei nodded and walked to his cell.
Reznov exhaled "...I will escape, and find you. Dragovich" he exclaimed "and Mason... Wake up"
Mason sat up, grunting as he rubbed his forehead.
Removing the sweat off, he observed his surroundings.
His room, Mason let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes as again the numbers passed him "where are my meds-?" He asked himself in hopes he remembers where he placed them.
Recently he's been having these dreams...
No, No, he thought it was over.
Why now? What's happening to him?
Reznov is dead...
Woods entered the kitchen, mid night snack as he looks at the living room.

Seeing Menendez had played a few rounds of Rock Band, trying to get good at Through the fire and flames.
It's a hard song that one, he was able to sing it but he wanted a feel for the guitar controls and, well, thankfully playing a concert with Avenge Sevenfold, got him good so far but these are Guitar Hero controls, it ain't easy.
Wait, which game was he playing again?
I can't tell, uh, here back on track.
He had the volume down low just so 'Section' can sleep peacefully, Menendez smiled as he got a fifty streak until a simple red flew by making him lose his fifty.
He grumbled, all night he played this one single song.
Why did he play this song on repeat? Well he just simply loved the song and wanted to master it.
Ok to be honest, he's just trying to make the most out of his house arrest due to Cordis Die.
Yep, house arrest, they ain't trusting him for a long ass time.

Zero slides behind a car, pulling out her ice pack and typing away as a grenade lands at her feet.
The hacker simply kicks it away as she took over a turret and a counter UAV.
She peaks up, seeing a little drone pass by and shocking a man up ahead followed by a bullet, Ruin kneels beside Zero snickering as he reloads "sleepy time mother fucker." He then runs off to find another person to kill, Zero rolls her eyes and stood up with having her pistol aimed around before taking out her ballistic knives.
"Boonk gang time" she jokes and started sprinting, this match was getting crazy.
Prophet dropped another 'Black ops Roomba' as Ruin smiled whoever it shocked "shrekt" he laughs.
Torque planted his shield in front of battery "these guys don't give up do they? Who has the bomb?" He speaks into his ear piece.
"I do" Zero responds, tea bagging a corpse before jumping out a window.
"Hurry it up! Jesus!" Torque shouts as he threw down his razorwire.
Battery shouts to her team "I'M EMPTY!"
Nomad threw a magazine in her direction.
"I take clips!" Battery threw it back, His dog leaping in the air and fetching it to return the ammunition to Nomad.
"Where's Seraph?" Zero asks, just as she hid behind a wall.
She appeared "how many?" She took out her ahnillater with her question.
"I counted four. Six if there's one sniping and another one standing in place near their spawn."
"Cover me" Seraph requested as she runs out.
Shooting as much as she can, four shots fired.
A fifth which she missed.
Ruin got the sixth man down as Nomad' s dog chomps away at the last man.
"Plant the bomb!" Battery shouted.
Zero kneels beside the cargo starting the arming phase of the explosives "this is easy" she laughs as she started running "Boonk gang! Out!"
"Our name is not boonk gang!" Prophet shouts back as he runs.
With the explosion behind them, the Match ended with a victory.
"Good game" Ruin raises a fist "dinner's on me everyone. We'll be taking the green run bus to Die'n Diner."
"Sounds good, employee discount?" Battery turns to Zero.
"Oh fuck off Battery" Zero chuckled "don't think I see you peeking stares when I'm dressed for work." She cracks her knuckles.
"Let's go." Seraph commanded.
"Alright fine... We'll just wait for the bus first" Nomad kept his dog on a leash.
Zero jumped into her Fiat 500 car and drove off to the diner, just to get into work gear and wait for the crew to catch up.

Authors notes:
Hey guys, gals, crew, homies and squads.
It's me and uh, like, sorry I took so long writing, sadly i lost the touch and love for call of duty but that doesn't mean this book will be abandoned.
I'll try to get the guys over for a few more matches and get that feel.
The multiplayer segment of this chapter was actual stuff said in a match with friends, and yes, I was zero talking about boonk gang and stuff.
Anyways, I'll be working on another book before I UPDATE this one, peace my readers and be patient please.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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