Kidnapped/Gone missing

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Hinata POV
"ALRIGHT LET'S GO HOME" Daichi said "YES SIR" we all said and walked out the gym, I was waved goodbye to everyone and then went to catch up with kageyama. We both go the same way home so we walk together, when arrived at his house I said see ya tomorrow then walked off to my house. As I was walking I noticed a shadow figure following ' he must be going the same direction as me that it, R-right ' I thought and then I realised that he was following me. I started jog to get a way from him but he just stared running, I ran as fast as could to my house. Then I saw him in the corner of my eye ' huh what the is that a GUN ' I shouted in my mind, and then all I saw was blackness endless blackness.

The next day during practice

No one POV
"Hey has anyone seen Ginger" Ukai said "no he wasn't, I didn't see him on the way here sir" kageyama said sounding at bit worried about him. "maybe he'll just be late" Tanaka said "Well looks like shorty is running some laps today" Ukai said ' but it's not Hinata to miss practice even he was sick ' Suga thought, and then he looked around and saw Everyone concerned faces even Tsukkishima was worried about him.

Hinata POV
Ugh why does my head hurt so much I opened to see some guy I didn't know at all. I tired to get up but something keep me down, I looked and Chisaw that was tied down. ' Wait a minute ' I looked around the room and saw was unfamiliar to me, I realised that this guy had kidnapped me. "What do want from me" I say to the guy "oh noting just drink this you must thirty from all that running" the guy he then gave some red drink. Then walked out of the room, well I am a bit thirsty I got a sip of the drink. "mmm taste like berries" I say to myself.

10 weeks after Hinata got kidnapped

No one POV
"Okay does think that it's weird that Hinata has ain't showed up for about 10 weeks " Nishinoya say. Everyone else agreed with me "his parents haven't seen either" kageyama said, "huh what you mean" coach said "I went to his house a few day ago and his parents said they haven't seen him for 7 weeks" kageyama says. " Wait they haven't see him for 7 weeks and they still haven't seen him" Yamaguchi said, "nope" kageyama said "okay now I'm officially worried about him" Nishinoya say. "same" Aishi said, "yeah I say we go and try to find hi-" Daichi started to say until was interrupted by the phone ringing. He picked it up "hello" he say "hello is this karasuno" the voice on the other side said, "yes this is karasuno" Daichi said "good can you put this on speaker please" The other voiced said "sure" Daichi say. He turned the phone on speaker. "Hello karasuno I'm not telling you my name but you all meant be Wondering where has your sweet little Hinata gone, we'll let's just say I have her" the Voice on the other side said. "What do mean her Hinata is a boy not a girl" Ennoshita Said. "Aww but I turned your little Hinata a girl, and I think you better hurry up and get me 10000 dollars or else I'll make sure I won't go easy when I take her Virginty"  the voice said before hanging up.

' What are gonna do ' Everyone is karasuno thought

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