Asking for help/Finding her

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Ukai POV
I can't believe I'm actually doing this but I think we need all the help we can get. I walked into Aoba josai gym "HEY AOBA JASAI COACH WE NEED TO TALK" I say, "yes what is it" he said "I need your team's help I know our team's don't get along but we really need our help" I said "and why is that" he said "okay remember Hinata the short gingerd haired guy right" I say "yeah I remember him" he said. "Well 10 weeks ago he got kidnapped and we'll his kidnapper want 1000 dollars or he'll rape Hinata, and he also turned Hinata into a girl" I said "wow I tell my team everything and we'll be over at Karasuno" he said "Thank you" I say and bowed then walked out of the gym.

Oikawa POV
The coach had stop practice and then told us something that made all of us shocked. Chibi-chan had been kidnapped and was gonna get rape on top that HINATA A GIRL NOW, "Wow I know tease him alot and flirt him a little bit but rapping is taking it way to far" I say. "I say we help them find carrot head" Kindaichi said, we all agree and hoped on a bus and head to karasuno.

No one POV
A whole lot of teams were helping karasuno find our little ball sunshine. Aoba josai, nekoma, Shiratorizawa, Fukurodani, johzenji. They all spilt into 7 group no one had any luck until one team a old abandoned wear house, they went inside and started look around and then they heard screaming. They all ran with all their might towards the screaming when I find where screaming coming from one of them opened the door and saw men on top off a girl who was only in her bar and underwear. One of them shouted at the men telling him to get off, "well we'll look shoyo your friends did come and save" the men said so wait your weren't lying when you said you turned Hinata into a girl multiple of them said "No I wasn't lying and she right here in Front of you" the men said. Pointing to Hinata who was shacking with fear and crying "heh and must say she has a great body, now wears my money" the men I'll show you where your money is right HERE one of them said punching on guy in face knocking him out everyone else help lift him up. And one of them walked over to Hinata who was still shacking with fear and was also still crying, "hey Chibi-chan are you okay" the person said Hinata looked up and saw none other than Toru Oikawa "G-G-Great K-K-King I'm scared" Hinata managed to say. "Shh it's okay your safe now" Oikawa said he took of his jacket putting on the small girl in front of him, he pick the shacking girl up and walked back to others "Hey guys I got Chibi-chan. Hey Suga can call the other groups and tell them" Oikawa say "Already done we just have to get back karasuno" Suga said, they all started to walk back to karasuno Hinata fall asleep still Oikawa arms. "HEY WE'RE BA-" Tanaka yell before getting stopped by Daichi "Shh Hinata asleep" he said pointing at Oikawa, "oh sorry but what do we do with him" Tanaka said pointing at Hinata kidnapper. "Give him the police" Iwarizumi said Everyone in gym agree with him "here give her to me I'll put her in the teacher lounge" Ukai said "but what she get kidnapped again" kageyama said, "Well let's see Astumu and Kuro and Bokuto
You three will watch her until we get back from the police station" Ukai said. "Okay" Kuro said Ukai put Hinata in the teachers lounge then walked out, "One of you make sure to call when she wakes up" Nekomera Coach said The three boys nodded yes and everyone else walked out.

3hrs later

Hinata POV
I woke up to Kuroo-kun and Bokuto-kun and ASTUMU-SAN. "Um H-hello" I say then the three turn to face me "Shoyo-chan your awake" Bokuto-kun said "how are you feeling" Astumu-san asked, "F-f-fine why do you ask Astumu-san" I say looking at him with a cufused face "Wait don't you remember anything" Kuroo-kun said. "No I all remember is a G-G-Guy T-t-trying to R-rape M-M-me" I shuttered. "um hina-Chan look in the mirror" Bokuto-kun said I got up and had a look in the mirror and I saw that a GIRL, "What how did this happen" I said "we don't know" Kuroo-kun said "But you look surprise Cute as a girl" Astumu-san said, I looked over to Bokuto-senpai who was Blushing.

Bokuto POV
"Are you okay Bokuto-senpai" Hinata and looked at me "yeah I'm perfectly fine" I say "Okay" she said. God I never realised how Cute Hinata was, I mean he was already adorable but it's now times by 100000. I noticed Hinata on my lap, sound asleep "heh you deserve a good rest" I said smiling putting my Jack over her small body ' good night my princess ' I say in my head.

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