2.Love Me

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12 AM
"Hey darling you're an hour late. Are you ok? Call me when you get this."

1 AM
"Harry I'm really worried. Your friends don't answer me. Please pick up."

3 AM
"I realized that you're not late. You're not coming home at all. Babe it's been a week and I'm really drunk. Babe. You liked it when i caled you babe... Harry please answer me."

3:30 AM
"Hazza! I think I'm fucked. Im gonna tell you a secret. I told you I'm drunk but I also did weed. Can you overdose on weed and alcohol? I don't know you're the smart one you tell me. I'm gonna have another drink... I think-"


Louis breath hitched and he sat on the bed.

"Hazza! Harry! Babe you answered!" He put his hand on his mouth.

"Go to sleep Louis." Said slowly.

"But you answered! You did! Harry you answered!" The blue eyed boy was smiling so much you could hear it in his voice.
Harry sighed.

"I didn't answer to talk. You kept waking me up and it seems like you're hammered so just go to sleep and don't poison yourself anymore. "

"Will you be here?" He whispered.


"When I wake up. Tell me you'll be here."
He laid down and closed his eyes listening to Harry's breathing.


"Louis sleep."

"Sing to me."


"Harry please."

Harry shook his head on the other end of the line.

"Then you'll sleep?"


There was a pause for a few seconds.

"When the skies are looking bad my dear
And your heart's lost all its hope
After dawn there will be sunshine
And all the dust will go"

He sang slowly. Tears in his eyes.

"The skies will clear my darling
I'll wake up with the one I love the most
And in the morning,
I'll make you up
Some tea and toast"

"Promise?" Louis sniffled.


"You'll make me tea and toast in the morning?"

"Go to sle-"

"Promise me!" Louis said. Sounding pained. His eyes still closed.

"Ok... I Promise... now sleep."

"Goodnight Hazza. I love you."

"Goodnight..." harry hung up. Phone clutched to his chest. "I love you too."

Louis woke up at 10:30 Am with the sound of something falling.

Got out of his room picking up the glass vase in case of self defense. He looked around and saw no one in the guest room or the living room so he walked towards the kitchen.

"Who's there?"


Louis mouth fell open. Harry was standing in front of him. Harry. His husband who he cheated on and haven't seen for a week.
He moved forward as fast as he could. Putting the vase on the table and wrapping his hands around Harry's neck.

"Harry. You're here." Said into the taller boy's neck. When he realized harry wasn't hugging back, took a step back and looked at him in disbelief.

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