3.Hate Me

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12 Am
"Um... Hi. Glad it's voice mail. I don't know why I'm calling to be honest... I just should talk to you before it happens. Fuck I don't know maybe I shouldn't have called. Let me make up my mind."

2 AM
"So hi again. I dont know how to start. Fuck ok here we go. Um ok I can do this. The thing is- no I can't do it sorry. I thought I could but no. Bye sorry for calling."

3 AM
"HI LOUEEEH so you know how I didn't know what to say and stuff like that? I found a solution. I'm very veeery drunk right now. Ok let's get real. The thing is I'm getting married Louis. In like two days. Can you believe this shit!? But yeah I thought I should tell you. Maybe not the best idea... I mean we've been divorced for about 5 years now. Wow fuck it's really been five years... Time flies huh? So anyways his name's Kyle and he's really nice Lou. He calls me pretty names and he takes care of me. I return the favor I swear! I met him in Toronto and I just... I really like him Lou... I really do. Thought maybe It's better for you to hear it from me than someone else. Don't you agree? Fuck I said too much deep stuff the alcohol is going bye bye. Ok Louis it was nice talking to you- actually it was your voicemail. I'm gonna go before the phone cuts me off. Hope you're well. Later!"





His raspy voice echoing through the room. Louis couldn't stop listening.
Today was the day Harry was getting married and he just stayed in bed listening to the voicemails at least 10 times and crying.

Yes they separated 5 years ago. Yes he should move one and let it go and blah blah blah. He knew all of that but couldn't do it.

He had this idea of finding out were the wedding was and just appearing there to stop it or just do something. But he knew he couldn't.

He wanted to call Harry but knew that the second they talked, all 5 years of his trying would go straight out of the window.

There was nothing to do other than accepting and letting it go.


Six months passed and Louis was washing the trails of his one night stand.
After the shower he decided to go for a walk. Dressing in black shorts and a black tank top with a white print on it. (Picture above)

Blow dried his hair Picked up his phone and a packet of cigarettes.
With that he left the house. Walking and walking while listening to some random spotify playlist.

After 40 minutes he found a nice place in the park and decided to smoke before continuing his way. So he sat on a bench and lit up his cigarette.

Louis got up to leave when he saw him.
There he was only a few feet away.

Should he say hi? Should he ignore and escape as fast as possible?

As Louis was thinking he turned around and saw him.
He turned around and Louis' world came crashing down.

Harry was in front of him.

Harry was in front of him holding a baby.

He walked over.

"Hey." Said harry cautiously.

Louis was silent.

"Hey Down to the earth." He giggled waving a hand in front of the stunned boy.

He cleared his throat.

"Hi Harry." Nerves were visible in his voice.

"Hi Louis how've you been?"

"Good... uh..." he looked at the baby. "Babysitting?" He cursed at himself for the lame line he said.

Harry's lips turned into a small smile.

"No actually this is my baby."

"What?" Louis looked so confused.

"This is Devin she's 1."

"Please tell me it's not after Devin Dawson."

"What? He's hot!"

"For fucks sake Harry."

They both laughed.

"No one even knows him."

"Well I do!" He let out a small laugh. "Are you really gonna argue about Devin Dawson when this little and very much cuter Devin is here?"

Louis came back to reality. Looking at the blonde kid once again.

"Hi Devin." He said getting a little closer to touch the baby's cheek. Smiling sadly.

"Isn't she beautiful?"

"She really is Harry."

Devin smiled as if she knew what they were talking about.

"Wait she has a dimple like you and her eyes are green! How did you get someone so similar?" Louis suprised himself with talking that much.

Harry chuckled again.
"Well Kyle's sister kept her for us."

Kyle. Harry's husband.


"You see they took my sperm and her egg and put it in her uterus."

"But why?"

"Because we wanted our baby to have both of our DNAs. But we're gonna adopt another one in a year or so." Harry was smiling big. Teeth on display.

Louis didn't know what to say. His head was heavy.
Lucky for him Devin started to cry creating a distraction. Harry rocked her a little then looked at Louis.

"Hey can you hold her a second? I have to make her milk."

"Yeah sure." Louis took the her. Noticing the ring on Harry's finger while doing it but the crying baby didn't let him think too much about it.

He started rocking her from side to side and whispering soothing sounds. When harry finally looked up from the bench shaking the bottle he smiled at the sight in front of him. His heart aching a little.

Devin was quiet now but harry gave her the bottle anyways and she chugged on it as fast as she could.

"How'd you get her to calm down?" He said genuinely suprised.

"I have a lot of younger siblings Harry."

"Shit yeah. How are they by the way?"

"They're good." He passed Devin to Harry's open arms. "Grown alot though you wouldn't believe."

"Well it's been a while so that's not a suprise."

"Yeah it has." Louis looked down at the ground.

"How's your mom?"

"She's good. Still asks about you from time to time."

"I'll give her a call."

"That would be nice of you" He smiled. "So Kyle's blonde?"

"No his hair is as black at it comes." Harry laughed. "Why so sudden?"

"I mean Devin has blonde hair so I figured." He shrugged.

"Yeah she does. But no he's not a blondie. I used to be blonde as a kid too im guessing she'll change."

"Oh yeah I remember."

"Well anyways. It was really good seeing you Louis."

"Wait. Can we get coffee? For old time's sake."

"But Louis-"

"I promise I don't have any intentions. I just wanna catch up."

The curly headed boy hesitated.


"Ok cool! When are you free?"

"I'll let you know tomorrow. Same number?"

"Yeah I'll be waiting."

"Bye Louis."


Beginning of the end.

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