IV Sam

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The odds were on Sam's favor. Walking on the morning with some pieces of Ouranos. A bunch of cyclops were carrying some bunch of boxes.
"Get down" said Alex as they hid behind a box.
"You know we cant hide here forever" Said Jess.
"I know. Ok you stay and protect Sam ill fight them." As soon as Alex said that a cyclops kicked the box.

Sam felt all air inside go away as she crashed to the ground. Her view was blurry buy she knew there was a gigantic thing fighting with two small ones.

As her view cleared out she saw that the cyclops had Alex on his hand and Jess was yelling "Drop him down" the cyclops looked confused. Then his blurry hand grabbed Jess as well.

Sam knew what she had to do. She wasn't able to swing a sword. The bow's strings were too tight for her hand to pull. Soon 3 more cyclops joined.

Maybe if she was lucky she could take one cyclops with her knife. Now there were four.

"Hey barbie what to join the party" Said the one with a big bread.
She build up power.
"Leave them and take me instead."

All cyclops looked confused they dropped Alex and Jess. A huge hand grabbed her.

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