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f r i e n d s

Like I mentioned in the preface, this will all be in Taeyongs POV/First POV, unless otherwise stated.


They say your friends are a reflection of yourself, they hold tiny pieces of you. Well, I feel as if I've given my whole self to just one person and that person is my best friend, Jung Jaehyun.

Oh, wait, let me introduce myself. My name is Lee Taeyong and I'm a twenty-year-old senior. I attend a co-ed boarding school in Korea and I'm so happy that I'll finally graduate from this shithole, this year.

My parents sent me here three years ago. Of course, as usual, I was reluctant to come. It was for my own good, they said. They figured I would benefit from the extra lessons and strict system, but in actuality, they just wanted the house to themselves. Selfish. It's not that I don't love them, I do, but...they have the weirdest concepts and ways of showing they care, that makes me wonder if I'm even their biological son.

When I just came here, I was such a loser. Practically an outcast and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Making new friends was always awkward and a hard task, so I mostly stayed to myself, trying to avoid trouble or attention, and that was the plan this time as well.

It wasn't until the second week of attending this school, when I was approached by a Japanese student, that my plan came crumbling down. However, I'm not entirely sad that it did.

Truth be told, if it hadn't been for my current friends, I probably wouldn't have made it this far. Speaking of friends, my closest friends include Yuta, the mentioned Japanese kid who approached me. He's very athletic and enjoys cracking jokes in class, a class clown at it's finest.

There's also a Thai student named Ten. He's quite sassy and confident, I've never met anyone like him. And then we have, Winwin, he moved from China to Korea. He's really quiet but can be a savage when you least expect it.

Lastly, my secret crush and best friend, Jaehyun. He is scarily good at everything and nice to everyone, it's no surprise that everyone else is also in love with him, boys and girls alike. These past three years, we have gotten so close and practically do everything together.

Together we call ourselves the foreign swaggers. No, I didn't make up this name, it's super cringey.

In general, I would agree that I'm not much of a people's person. I'm not the most popular in this school, but ever since my current friends practically adopted me into their circle, I've been acquainted with quite a few of our classmates, most of which are on first name basis.

I did mention that this school is co-ed, right? Ugh, it makes things a lot more stressful and complex. Imagine the competition you'd have with both sexes, its immensely overwhelming, especially if your crush is someone as perfect as Jung Jaehyun. And so because of this, I was always reluctant to confess, afraid of being rejected and uncertain to what Jaehyun preferred.

He's practically friendly to everyone, the most popular guy at our school, basically. At any rate, anyone would be confused and think that they have a chance, but those who lack self confidence would shy away from him because of his strong aura. Sigh, unfortunately I'm one of those people. I just don't want to ruin the thing we got going for us right now. About that thing, you'll know soon enough.

Anyway, my hobbies aren't many, but some things I do enjoy in life includes cooking, music and art. I sometimes dabble in a little photography here and there, but I'm no Ansel Adams. Ever heard of anyone having many talents, but not a single discipline? Well that's me, except, I'm not talented.

If you asked me what the hell I want to be when I grow up, I honestly have no answer. I think I'd just want to be happy, if that's even remotely possible. Is there a job with that description? Sign me up, if you find one.

Enough of my backstory, let me tell you the story of my first love, this story may or may not be happy but I hope you'd listen to it anyway.


This serves as an introduction to the story, not part of the chapters. Hope you all enjoy the story, and I hope I don't mess it up since I'm not familiar with writing in first POV.

Emo hours officially open.

- title: friends by chase atlantic

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