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r e c a l l

"I let you hit me off, I won't do
that again."


I watched as the new girl, Chungha, went to the empty desk beside Jaehyun. She took a seat, and I could see they both smiled warmly at one another.

The class then began but I was too distracted, more than I wished to admit, that they were now deskmates. I could hardly pay attention to the lesson as I would always glance over to their direction when any slight movements occurred.

Once our classes ended I began to pack my things. I then got up, ready to walk back to the dorm but that's when Jaehyun approached Yuta and I at our desks. Behind him stood Chungha who gave us a dazzling smile.

"Cozy with the new girl already?" Yuta smirked which made Jaehyun chuckle and shake his head. I remained silent, not sure of what to say. I honestly wanted to disappear.

"Actually Chungha and I go way back when I used to live in America. I wanted to introduce you guys." Jaehyun began, looking from her to us then fixating his gaze on her, "These are two of my best friends, Yuta and Taeyong" he said as he pointed at each of us respectively.

Yuta extended a hand towards her, whereas I gave a small smile trying to be friendly. I was afraid to speak in case my voice might crack. She smiled back at me and I felt slightly guilty for disliking her without knowing her.

"Anyway guys, I'll catch up with you later. I need to follow her to the office to collect the rest of her schedule." Jaehyun said and then went on his way with her after we said goodbye.

Yuta and I exited the classroom to go down the stairs and back to our dorms. I don't know why Jaehyun had to act like a class president at this moment. It's not unusual for him to be helpful but I find him going above and beyond for this girl.

"-yong? Taeyong?" I heard Yuta call me. "Yes?" I asked, looking at him. We were now outside of the main building and walking across the lawn. I must have been too preoccupied in my thoughts to realize he had been talking all this time.

"I was saying, didn't Winwin's outfit look nice today? I want to get the same shirt, it looked cool" he said and I shook my head at his obvious mention of our Chinese friend. He had been infatuated with him since I got here but refused to admit it. If Winwin ever chose to wear shit on his head, Yuta would still find it cute. I can't really judge him though, cause I'm the same.

I wish I wasn't so affected by Jaehyun, so that I could hide my feelings for as long as possible. As long as he doesn't find out, it doesn't matter. So that we can remain the way we are, no matter how selfish or greedy I get, I would prefer being the only person he can turn to for release. His only stress reliever.

Whatever else Yuta was saying was merged into a blur as I continued to be drowned in my own thoughts. If only we hadn't kissed at that party, would things turn out the way they were now?

content ahead!!!

A year ago....

"You're still coming right?" Yuta asked me while we talked on the phone. Yuta and Ten were throwing a party at their dorm. They invited a few guys from our year group and some others who were close to them from the years below us.

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