Club Meeting

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Harry woke to find himself in his bed, wearing pajamas, red drapes and covers pulled closed over him, and no idea how he got here.  The room showed signs of first light and closed drapes around the room that held the other Gryffindor boys in his year. He made his way to the joint bathroom for a shower and paused at the mirror to stare at his red-rimmed, dry eyes.

Oh, now he remembered. Professor Emrys had taken him to the astronomy tower for an Occlumency lesson though he doesn't remember going to bed. He pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes as the memories of last night flashed through his mind. Taking a deep breath, Harry stripped and entered the shower, relaxing under the hot water, the sting of the pressure emptying his mind.

He stepped out once he heard movement outside the door and made way for Neville. He gave a quick nod as he passed, now dressed for the weekend. The first DA meeting was today since Saturday was the only time everyone's schedule would allow attendance.

He left for the room of requirement, wanting to get there first even if that meant leaving Ron behind. He felt guilty but didn't turn back as he walked ahead, avoiding Mr. Filch as he patrolled the area. Heaving a sigh of relief as he went undetected, he paced in front of the door, thinking about the room they had first met in.

He opened the door when it appeared and saw  Professor Emrys and Draco sitting near the lit fireplace. He cleared his throat, not wanting to risk eavesdropping on a conversation he did not belong in again. They turned at the sound, the fire illuminating their faces.

"Harry," Emrys welcomed him. Harry was grateful he hadn't said anything about last night.

"Potter," Draco acknowledged, his voice holding no hatred nor any emotion.

"Professor Emrys, Malfoy," Harry greeted them, feeling awkward as he stood by the door. 

"Come sit, Harry. We were just chatting about how I thought Draco would be interested in learning Occlumency too," Emrys gave an apologetic smile, though not for the idea, looking more so that he was sorry he had not told Harry sooner.

"It's alright," Harry reassured, finding himself truly believing that it was fine as he moved to sit opposite the two.

"Really?" Draco voiced in disbelief.

"Really," Harry repeated.

"Great, I think you two could be great friends if you stopped letting your pride get in the way," Emrys beamed, eyeing them. Harry nodded, he didn't think he had much ego but ego and pride were two separate things and let the comment pass. Draco hesitated but eventually nodded too.

"Astronomy tower, after the meeting," Professor Emrys announced, getting to his feet, leaving them by themselves as he pursued the bookshelves.

"How did your first lesson go?" Draco blurted out, startling Harry who had still been watching the Professor.

"I guess if you count crying as a success then great," sighing.

"That bad?" Draco asked, head tilted in curiosity.

"Just about."

"Do you feel like you could do it though. Eventually?" Draco continued. Harry thought it over for a minute. Did he think he could get better? Maybe, with practice. Because that was mainly what magic was, practice, nothing is created without hard work, not even the most powerful witches and wizards could go without practice.

Professor Merlin EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now