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Pov: You are starring in Stranger Things season 1, you play the popular bitchy girl in Hawkins Middle School. Your characters name = y/c/n Your real name = y/n

In season one your character is lab partners with Mike, who at the time had a crush on y/c/n, she knew this as Dustin and Lucas would always tell her. Y/c/n never liked Mike the same way he like her but when she over-heard Dustin and Lucas talking about a girl at Mike's house y/c/n couldn't help but get jealous. So she decided to manipulate them to tell her the truth about the girl, she soon found out all about Eleven and the upside down but it still wasn't good enough for y/c/n, so she decided to go and see for herself. The next day y/c/n went to Mike's house whilst he was at school and found Eleven, you talked and played board games together and became good friends. From that day on y/c/n would skip school to be with Eleven, she would bring Eleven her favourite lunch, egos, and talk, she mainly talked about Mike, which you thought was sweet. One day Mike stayed home but you didn't know so when you snuck into his basement he was very surprised, Eleven though had a smile plastered on her face and ran up to y/c/n to give her a hug. She then had to explain to Mike about what she'd been doing, he was shocked but surprised in a good way, they talked for hours until Mike's mum and sister came home and y/c/n had to leave. When y/c/n got home she was surprised to see her mother waiting for her at the the front door, she tells y/c/n about how the school called about her not being there, she tells her its because her friends are making fun of her at school so you didn't want to go (Which isn't true), she then tells y/c/n that she understands but she still needs to go to school, she then asked if she have any other friends, she immediately thought of Mike and Eleven and told her about Mike as Eleven was a secret. The next day y/c/n came to school to find her mum talking to Mike's mum, y/c/n asked her what she was doing and told y/c/n that it was nothing. Later that day y/c/n went to find her friends but when she saw them they were all laughing at her, she then asked them whats wrong and they told her that they overheard her mum saying earlier that she was friends with Mike, she Immediately went red as Mike was known for being weird. They then told her to go away and find her new friend, Mike. And that was how y/c/n became part of the group.

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