Finding Finn

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"Has anyone seen Finn?" "Hellooo?" When Sadie and I went out last night we figured out why I was so bothered about Finn's feelings.

(Flash back to last night)

So do you like him?" I was shocked.

"What? No!"

"Well why do you care so much about why he cared?"

I didn't know why "Um.. I don't know"

"And you were practically holding hands as well. Do only just friends do that?" I was so taken back. Do I like Finn? No, I can't. But why do I care so much? And I didn't mind when we held hands, I even liked it. "You see now?" Sadie said.

"Omg... I do like Finn"

(Back to the present)

I liked Finn thats why I was bothered about his feeling, but now I have to tell him and I can't find him anywhere. "Caleb! CALEB! Wait up!"Caleb was walking towards the lift right in-front of me. "Hello?"

"Have you seen Finn?"

"Ohhh so thats why you're so dressed up"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, but have you seen him?"

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I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, but have you seen him?"

"He left around half an hour ago but he also seemed to be looking for you to"
"Really? He was?" I couldn't help it but a massive smile appeared on my face.

"Awwww" Caleb had obviously seen that I'd been smiling.

"What?" I replied as if I was oblivious to what he was talking about.

"Doesn't matter, but shouldn't you be getting your stuff together after all we starting filming today"

"Sorry mum!" I said laughing " i'll get my stuff now"


Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be better. Also I don't know why but I find the chapter name really funny.😂

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