Chapter 39

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2 weeks later.

It's already been 2 weeks since Mingyu left, everyone have been busy with the wedding. Mingyu and Yeri got only a little time to talk to each other. Mingyu also was busy in America with his father's work.

There was only one week left for the wedding and everything was in a rush they had many things more to be done. Floral was not planned, the cakes, and many more were not planned all these days they were only focusing on the dresses and other small, little stuff. The main thing also was not arranged yet, so the couple thought of going and getting their wedding rings ready.

They went to Tiffany and Co to get their wedding rings after they got their rings they went to bridesmaids dressers and best men and suits.
Jeonghan and Joshua are the best man and 2 of Heri's friends are the bridesmaid. After they had already got their stuff they went to the cafe.
After a tiring day all of them went back to their houses.

Days have passed finally in one day time Heri and Sungcheol will tie the knot together, but there was no sign of Mingyu coming back to korea. Mingyu promised his brother that he would be with them for his special day.

5 hours before the wedding. (4:00am)

As all brides do it was time for Heri to get into her special dress. Her dresser came to her home that day morning along with her stuff. Heri's best friends came, who are her bridesmaids. All of them were half a sleep except for Heri who felt really nervous before she even got dressed. Dino brought his girlfriend that day to see his sister and to introduce her to his parents which was not the right thing to do at the moment.

When everything was done it was time for them to go to the church to give their vows and officially become husband and wife.

At the church. Everything was arranged accordingly only thing remaming was to give the vows. Sungcheol was already standing on the aisle waiting for his bride to arrive. The church doors wide open revealing Heri and her father. Heri's father walked Heri down the aisle which made Heri's mother and sungcheol to tear. Yeri in a corner standing and looking at her sister started crying too.

After giving their vows the exchanged their rings and kissed as husband and wife for the first time. After that they took the belessings of their parent and took pictures. When it was time for the family photo. Yeri didn't feel like going for it because Mingyu was not there but she went because of her sister.

Mingyu's mother and father along with Yeri's mother and father stood together. Heri and sungcheol together then Dino and his girlfriend Yeri stood towards the corner. When they were almost talking the picture Yeri felt heavy hand around her shoulder which made her turn towards the person who put the hand, accurately at that time the picture was taken.

It was non other than Mingyu Yeri screamed and hugged Mingyu in excitement.

After party.
The party was held in the evening everyone had fun. Except Mingyu and Yeri because they were in their own world cuddling and stuff.
At night all the men were drunk except sungcheol and Dino. Everyone's wives had to take their husbands and go away same way the girlfriends had to take their boyfriends away. Heri and Sungcheol stayed in the hotel to spend the night together for the first time after tying the knot. Mingyu was taken to his house by Yeri and it went on like that.

Days passed by each day was a mystery for Yeri and Mingyu. They continued with their day to day work and helped each other at every cost. Like that a year already passed.

After one year.
It's been almost one and half a year since Heri and Sungcheol got married now she is 8 month's pregnant. Mingyu, Yeri, Dino are soon to be Uncles and Aunt.

Mingyu and Yeri are planning to get married in 2 month's time because more attention is given to Heri at this period so they wanted to get married after her baby is born.

Now Yeri and Mingyu are living together since they registered their marriage. Their wedding will only consist the two family and friends.

1 months later. On a Sunday Heri got her labour pain and was rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. After around 3 hours approximately Heri and her little daughter was brought to the room from the labour theatre. Everyone was over the moon after the child birth, except for Yeri who was feeling unwell, who felt like throwing up since few days, she didnt tell anyone or show anyone any symptoms of her being unwell she tried to act normal.

After they went home yeri took two pregnancy test and both of them came out positive, yet she was not sure about it so she went to the doctor while Mingyu was in the office. After the check the doctor confirmed that Yeri was 1 month pregnant and needs to take care of herself.
By the time she went home Mingyu had already gotten home.

"Where did you go" he asked.
"I went to the doctor, sit down I'll tell you" she said.
Mingyu like a puppy sat, then her kept his head on Yeri's lap and looked at her face.
"Tell me what it is" Mingyu asked.
"Actually you are gonna be a dad for our baby"
Mingy who couldn't believe went over asking the same thing and Yeri also answered 'yes' over and over again"
Mingyu finally stopped and started tearing up and kissed Yeri due to the happiness...

For almost a week Mingyu and Yeri hid about the pregnancy. Since Heri was discharged they thought of telling about the good news to their family so they invited them for a party at their house. They said the party is for Heri's beautiful baby and for getting discharged, so it was more likely a Sungcheol party not Mingyu party.

While the party was happening Mingyu made the announcement about Yeri's pregnancy and that they were going to get married next week.
Everyone stopped partying and looked at mingyu and Yeri. Then everyone started rushing towards Yeri and started congratulating her.

Later on everything went smoothly and people went back home congratulating both the sisters. The grandparents were the happiest after knowing about the baby number 2 and they were over the moon because they were going to be grandparents soon.

Mingyu planned of getting married soon because they already postponed their wedding many times due to circumstances so he wanted to get married soon. Now that they are going to become parents they do not want the family to get a bad name when people get to know.

The very next day Mingyu went with his brother and father to her his suit and Yeri with her mother and mother-in-law went to get her dress. She wanted a different dress in a different tone not white. Not only they went to get their dresses and suits but also went fo get their other important things needed for the wedding. Since they didn't have alot of time they rush as soon as they can. Yeri only had the help of her mother's and her friends since her sister had to take care of her little daughter (kim cheari) she couldn't help Yeri.

Yeri was more concerned about her self than before. Now yeri was not the type of girl who world jump around and do work.

Preview "I pronounce you too ad husband and wife"

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