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Oh my god, I am so sorry this took so long  but I rewrote this like ten times but I really have trouble to believe Nuiall is the 'woman' in this relationship so I hope you enioy. Not edited.

The house was cold and dark when Harry entered. He just got home from work and was exhausted; it was seven already and he was up at five this morning. He liked his job, lived for it, but was always happy to be home to get to his husband of three years. 

Harry was the head of Styles enterprise, a company that did business in financing other companies, and today he managed to haul a big client in. He was planning on celebrating it with Niall, but when he didn't hear some singing from the kitchen or the telly blasting from the living room, he frowned. He placed his briefcase on the stairs and hang his coat, walking towards the kitchen. It was dark and empty and looked like it hadn't been used since this morning, he saw Niall hadn't cleaned the pans he made pancakes in for this morning.

When Harry and Niall started dating, Harry made clear his job was practically his life, and Niall was fine with it. Harry also made sure that he expected Niall to stay at home and clean while he was gone, and that when he came home there would be dinner waiting for him, which wasn´t the case at the moment. Niall had first prtested, saying he didn´t want to be depened on Harry and his money, he wasn´t in for that at all, he liked Harry for Harry and his curls and dimples and slow talking and piget feet. But now, he was okay with it, knowing he could rely on his friends if this all went wrong. In the five years they´d dated, and been married for three, that never seemed to be the case.

Harry then walking into the living room, figuring maybe Niall had fallen asleep. He was acting strange lately, being very tired and sickish. Harry was getting a bit worried, but Niall said it was nothing and he needed to trust him. 

Harry walked upstairs, seeing as Niall was nowhere to be found downstairs. He took his briefcase with him and walked first to his office at home, placing it on his desk. He didn´t think Niall was in that particulair room, knowing Niall only went there to clean or when he wanted to fool around when Harry was skying with important clients. It was lovely.

He checked the bedroom, but the Irish lad wasn´t there either. He was silent for a while, didn´t dare to move, listening. He swore he could hear a whimper a second ago. He stood still for a couple of minutes before he heard it again. It came from the bathroom. 

Harry quietly walked over to the door, listening again before he knocked. He heard a very soft, kitten like whimper again, and he knew Niall was there. To his surprise, the door wasn´t locked. He knocked anyway, didn´t want to scare his husband in this - probably - fragile state. 

"Come in." A soft voice said, and Harry swallowed, could feel a bit of tension before he opned the door. He then sighed of relieve, seeing Niall was taking a bath. However, the lights were off and Niall was curled up in a fetus position. He rushed to the tub, placing a cold hand on his lover's warm skin. Niall looked up at him and Harry noticed his eyes were even more blue, in the middle of all the grey that was their bathroom.

"Oh babe." He sighed out and stood up, taking of his suit jacket and blouse. Niall just rocked back and forth softly, making the water around him splash a bit. Harry didn't care. Instead, he walked over to the sink and got some scented candles from the cupboard which they kept there for a romantic night or if one of them were having a bad day. By the look on Niall's face, he was having a really bad day. Harry placed them around the tub and on the toilet lit, everywhere where there was a flat surface, really. He lit them and then got rid f his trousers, stepping in the bathtub behind Niall. He noticed the water was getting a bit cold, so he pulled out the plug and turned on the hot water. He wrapped this arms around Niall's waist and pulled his body against his chest, feeling Niall was shuddering and a bit tene. He leanded down and pressed kisses all over his shoulders and neck, not one place went without a touch of Harry's lips. He felt Niall relax, but only by a tad bit. Harry was getting really worried now. 

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