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"So your awake." TC had gotten herself into a completely different identity; not her 'TC self', not Jennifer. Just 'the owner of the house'.

Out refused to make eye contact as well as speak to the stranger. Not because of something as simple as fear, just cause she didn't feel like it.

She frowned. "Not gonna talk?"

Silence filled the dark and dusty room.

"Fine, we'll see if you change your mind during lunch." TC turned and dissapeared out of the basement.

Now that she thinks about it. Out could smell something coming from below and through the open basement entrance. The food she gathered the day before was left on the floor next to the couch.. Ya know.. Where she idioticly passed out. Just the scent of it drove Out crazy. She cursed her sensitive nose. "HEY!" The omega called out to the kidnapper.

She came in slowly, not in a hurry for anything. "Ready to talk?"

Out growled in a deep and threatening alpha voice. "Whadya want, loser?"

"Why were you in my house?" She didn't growl, nor did she seem threatened or intimidated. In fact, her cold voice was more intimidating than Outs growl.

She scoffed. "What's the reason I'm giving in now?"

"For someone bold enough to break into a strangers home, your fool enough to fall asleep?" Still that cold, calm voice. "And I'd be careful slewing insults at the person who could kill you in an instant. Or give you to the cops. Whichever makes your life worse, I wonder?"

"What was that blood I smelt earlier?" Out smirled, revealing sharp canines. "Bet the only option ya have is ta kill me, dumbass."

"I wouldn't dictate that yourself." She slid a throwing knife out of her sleeve, turning it over in her fingers for a moment, before suddenly throwing it, it hit a literal inch from Out's head in an instant. Precision. "It can be risky."

She looked pissed. "If you wanted ta sell me or kill me why didn't you do it while I was still unconscious, hah?"

"Because I wanted a change. Its boring when I don't get anything out of it."

The omega/alpha wanted to break those seemingly rusty chains so badly cause she was so pissed off. The thought of this persons blood spilling out on the wooden floor made Tge Outsider grin devilishly from inside her. "Then do it before I leave myself."

"You want me to bleed?" The throwing knife was out of the wall and in TC's hand in half a second. How did she-

Once they were both face to face the chains fell through her. She smiled. "Too.. Late.." Out teased. She used her right to grab the strangers face and the other to punch them in the stomach so she could get passed. TC didn't feel anything, but her body moved upwards with the others fist, falling backwards.

Out made a run for it downstairs, but didn't make it far, cause she was caught and knocked out from behind. Then awoke in the same place. "M too fucking tired for this.." She thought to herself and cracked her neck. The omega saw a dark sillohette in the corner and rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll cooperate. I just wanted food! That good enough for ya?"

She didn't answer, menacingly juggling a knife in her fingers.

The omega sighed, knowing sje isn't getting outta this in a while.

Yeah definetly not. There was a scraping sound, and TC stood, leaving tge room without a word.

Out got sore after a while and struggled to get comfortable and with all of that came a wave of tiredness. To keep herself awake, she pulled on the new and way better chains, tightly squeezing her now severely sore wrists to wake up. Yelling would be a really bad idea and trying to escape again was out of the question, the chains were too strong and the last ones took long enough to break down.

TC came back in after a while, sliding a plate in front of her and unlocking Out's arm chains- but not her leg or chest ones. Yeah, she was smarter than she looked.

Out kept an eye on her, hesitating to eat, sniffing the stranger like a wild animal. "Taste it first."

She frowned, using the fork from her own plate to grab a random bite from it.

Once the other swallowed she waited to see anything happen.
Nothing. Seeing that she dug in, finishing in less than 50 seconds.

She didn't react to this, shrugging and giving Out her own plate to eat as well.

She snuck a glance at her as the omega was about to take a bite of the others food as well. Just as she swallowed Out looked down to set the plate on the wooden floor.
"Whadya want."

"Not sure yet." TC took the empty plates and dissapeared.

Out started to get uncomfortable again which made her tired.

When she came back she changed the restraints to be more comfortable so the other could sleep, but surely not enough to get out of.

"Why, huh?"

"I don't feel like handing you to the police yet." She shrugged. "You're the serial killer they've been hunting, right"

Out looked down, thinking "police?" He didn't care about being in jail, he was more afraif of where he would end up. The foster system, asylum, somewhere they keep the most dangerous captive. That made her admit somethung she's been wanting for a long time out loud.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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