Chapter 1

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(Austin's POV)

"...and now these demons have bound you, and they're dragging you back to hell!" I finished The Storm and looked over at Alan, where he was throwing up his fists to the crowd as they responded with the same gesture. I smiled at him. He was so cute sometimes, more like all the time, but it was too bad he didn't know (or care) that I had feelings for him.

That night, Tino and I were sitting in the bus watching The Nightmare Before Christmas when Alan stumbled in, obviously drunk, with some girl that had her arms wrapped around him. She was laughing hysterically at herself as she almost tripped on one of the steps.

"What's going on guys!?" Alan slurred, plopping onto the couch next to Tino.

"How much did you drink dude?" Tino asked as he kept an eye on the girl that Alan brought.

I could smell the beer on his breath when he talked, even though he was about 3 feet away. I hated when he got like this and brought random chicks on the bus, but I couldn't say anything about how I felt because it would be too obvious.

"I only had a few beers man!"

"I bet, and who's the girl?"

"This is Leaaaaaah." He replied.

"Hi!" She said, laughing at herself again.

"Lets go to my Ginger Love Palace it's comfy." Alan said to her, holding her hand and guiding her down to his bunk.

I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest. Now I had to deal with them having sex all night and my bunk was right below his. I should've been used to this, it happened atleast once a week, but I couldn't, it killed me to see him have all those girls and to know that I'd never have a chance.

"I'm sorry Austin." Tino said rubbing my shoulder. He was the only one that knew I liked Alan.

I nodded and kept my eyes on the movie.

And I Dig You Too - Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now