Chapter 1: Who's Here?

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I awoke to a loud bang on the other side of my door. It must be my brother sneaking another one of those tramp girls in the house again, I thought. My brother is one of those guys your parents preach to you about not going out with. It's not that he's bad; he's just indifferent, I guess you could say. My brother is tall and lean. He has a six pack and the looks of a killer: blonde hair with golden caramel colored eyes. It makes me sick. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

I decided to walk into the bathroom to take some sleeping medicine; it won't harm me too much, right? So I strolled into the hall. Ryan's light is on. Yupp, he's brought one of those girls over. He opened the door slightly, "Oh hey sis. What're you doing up right now?" He looked at an imaginary watch. So fucking childish, I thought.

"Oh, I just have a headache. Gonna take a Tylenol PM or something of that sort to help me go to sleep." Hopefully he'll just let me be before I completely wake up. Then I'll never be able to go back to sleep.

"Well, did I wake you up? If so, my apologies," he trailed off then came back to say, "just brought Greyson over to hang out for a bit."

Greyson? Oh, great! HE'S here. I look like shit. "Oh, you brought Greyson over? How come? It's 2 AM," I tried to say smoothly, but Ryan smirked, so my efforts didn't make much of a difference. Don't get me wrong, Greyson is one of the guys at school I'd actually date. He's a grade ahead of me just like my brother. But he acts absolutely nothing like my brother. Hell, I don't even understand why they're friends. Greyson treats all of his girlfriends right. He doesn't talk to them like they're just another on of those "bitches" and he could go out and get another one.

"I already told you, he's here to hang out. And he brought one of his friends for me since I told him you'd be here, so how 'bout you go get yourself together so you'll look presentable, babe? Love you, we'll be waiting"

I opened my mouth to say something in protest, but before I could even get a word out of my mouth, Ryan shut the door in my face. Fuck you too then, I thought. I really didn't want to do this tonight; I'm already really tired. This is a bunch of bullshit. And I didn't see the point of us hanging out in Ryan's room. If we were too loud, our parents would wake up anyways. Then, Greyson an the tramp would have to go home (not to mention Ryan and I would be grounded for months).

Eh, whatever. I might as well since my dickhead brother already made a promise. I walked back to my room to grab some clothes and a hair brush. I walked to the bathroom again nonchalantly. I heard laughter explode from Ryan's bedroom. Yupp, you go you guys, don't worry about the sleeping parents on the bottom floor, I thought. I undressed in front of the mirror. I don't like my body all that much, but I know what you're thinking: hardly anyone likes their body. And it's true, in a way. I don't understand how the girls with the "nice bodies" do it-you know, workout all the time and only eat healthy.

Looking at my body, I'm not utterly disgusted. I do have a few nice features, like I'm not morbidly obese or anything and not anorexic. I'm just "normal." And that's it. I put on my shorts and then my shirt. It was only then that I had realized they didn't match. I did my makeup anyways nonetheless, deciding I'd change when I back to my room. My hair didn't need much fixing-up. It was naturally wavy although it didn't get frizzy and unbearable, so I hardy ever had to do anything to it. As I walked back towards my room, passing Ryan's on the way, I noticed a smile had appeared on my face and realized that I was almost glad Ryan dragged me into this. I mean, how else would I ever be able to spend time with Greyson? Probably wouldn't.

When I got to my room, I looked through my closet to find a shirt to go with my shorts. They were my favorite shorts; they were navy blue and they fit very well on me, coming down just below my butt, and showed off my thighs. I finally found a shirt that hung off the shoulder, in a light pink with a navy blue anchor on the front. I threw the shirt on and walked out of my room and into Ryan's.

"Hey little sis, finally came to join us, eh?" asked Ryan in a joking manner.

"Yeah, I guess so," I answered without any emotion.

"Well, what're we gonna do?" Greyson asked. Let me tell you something, the boy has the voice of an angel. It almost took my breath away just hearing it. I don't like him though. Well, I do, but I don't. Ever felt that way?

"Well uh, we could go down to the park, I mean, only if y'all want to. Doesn't bother me too much," said the tramp. I don't know her name, but does it even matter? In a way it does, knowing me I'd end up calling her tramp because that's what I'm calling her in my head at the moment.

"What is your name?" I asked in her direction.

"Crystal, and yours?" she replied.

"Amber-Lynn," I said with a half smile. I studied her while they tried to figure out where to go; it didn't matter to me. She had light blonde hair and very dark eyebrows. I had heard her name before at school, she was in the same grade as my brother. She had always had jet black hair; maybe that's why I didn't really recognize her. She certainly was my brother's type though. She had an amazing body-from her face, to her boobs, to her stomach, to her farily long legs. Quite honestly, I was a bit jealous. She wore a bright yellow shirt that was a bit baggy with a wide neck that hung low, and it was a crop-top. Showing off her flat belly and belly button ring. On the front of the shirt the words "Nothing lasts forever, so live now" was printed in white, and she wore a white skirt that went halfway down her thighs. I'll admit, I seriously wanted to steal the outfit. It was super cute, but skirts aren't necessarily my thing.

"Amber-Lynn? Dammit, do you ever listen?" asked Ryan.

"Yeah, sorry. I was thinking about something," I replied back to him.

"Okay, well we've decided to walk to the store then we can decide from there."

"Oh, it took you guys all that time to come up with that idea?" I said jokingly and giggled.

"Ha, you're funny," he said sarcastically.

"Alright, let's go," Crystal said.

We walked out of the room and sneaked down the stairs; they creaked quite a few times, but not too loud. Ryan opened the front door and walked out and we all followed. 


Okay, so I know it's not really long but I need this chapter to help build the story line and get things started.

NOTICE: I have never written a story before, this is my first, so if you would please comment on it and tell me what you think and give me some pointers I would greatly appreciate it! <3


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