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Taehyungs POV
I cannot believe I'm gonna meet jisoo's boyfriend, I hope he's nice

Taehyung: who is it?!
Jisoo: taehyung,It's me jisoo! 😆
Taehyung:oh it's open!
*opens door*
Jisoo: hey tae,this is my boyfriend suho
Taehyung: oh hey, nice to meet u
Suho: hi, u have a nice house
Taehyung: thank you I guess

Taehyungs POV
Ugh I already don't like this guy,why do I feel this way...? Do I maybe like jisoo?? Nahh keep it together tae,u don't like her....just act Normal *sighs*

Jisoo:uhh,tae are you okay..??
Tae:I'm fine
*jisoo and tae make eye contact*
Suho:umm,Maybe we should watch a movie,cmon babe 👀 *stares at tae to make sure he's not staring at jisoo*

*2 hours later*
Suho: babe
Jisoo: yes?
Suho: I gotta go,I'm sorry we couldn't hang out that well today.. we'll hang out next Saturday okay?
Jisoo:okay...but why do u have to go now?
Suho: umm... I got a text from my grandmother that she needs help with something.
Jisoo: oh ok well I love you
Suho: I love u too baby, bye
Jisoo: bye 💖

Jisoo's POV
Why is suho acting strange... I guess I'll just text lisa if she wants to hang out.

   Jisoo: hey lisa,wanna hang out maybe go to the mall shopping? 😝
Lisa: sorry,you're my best friend but I can't hang out rn,don't worry we'll hang out some other time ttyl 🤞💖
Jisoo: oh okay..bye lisa 😂🤍

*2 days later*
Taehyung was taking a walk outside when he saw a familiar face, he looked closely...and he saw SUHO, he didn't really care until he heard what suho was talking about with another girl,which wasn't jisoo. The words that taehyung heard coming out of suho's mouth made taehyung seriously angry.

Authors POV
Thanks sm for reading the 1st part of this story,please continue reading to figure out more! Thx so much 🖤💕😝

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