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Lisa came over, and what jisoo saw was surprising...
She saw a very nice,beautiful, expensive car...

Jisoo: ...
Lisa:do you like it???
Jisoo: I don't like it...
Lisa: what?? Why don't you like it?
Jisoo: I LOVE IT !
Lisa: really?!!!
Jisoo: yes thank you so much!!!
*jisoo hugged lisa*
Lisa: I'm glad u like it.
Jisoo: but why did u buy me a car??
Lisa: as an apology... I'm so sorry for being a bad friend back then...
Jisoo: it's ok 🤍
Lisa: so do you want to watch a movie jisoooo 😝 !
Jisoo: sure 😂😊

Lisa and jisoo decided to watch train to busan.

*during the movie*
Lisa: I'll be back, I'm gonna go use the restroom.
Jisoo: oh okay.

While Lisa was using the restroom, Lisa's phone kept blowing up with a lot of calls and text messages. Jisoo got annoyed from all the text messages that Lisa was receiving... she then looked at one message...


Jisoo's POV
suho passed away... no no no no this can't be true!!!😭😭

jisoo couldn't stop crying. She couldn't believe that suho died.

Lisa came back from the restroom and noticed jisoo crying...

Lisa: omg jisoo what's wrong??? Why are you crying? Are you okay!?
Jisoo: I'm fine.
Lisa: why are you crying???
Jisoo: don't worry about it, I'm just crying because of the movie that's it.
Lisa: oh okay.

Jisoo felt bad for lying to Lisa, but she realized that if she told Lisa that she was crying because suho died then it would shock Lisa.

Jisoo: I have to go...
Lisa: oh umm okay bye jisoo 💖
Jisoo: bye lisa ttyl.

Lisa's POV
Jisoo is acting strange and I wonder why...

Authors POV
thank u for reading this part, keep reading for more!💜


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