past and kids

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Harry and Hermione smirk.

Harry says "wait what does that mean though".

"It means after the war I met her parents and figured out we were cousins the entire time" Harry said.

Hermione continues "pretty much Ron, Harry, and I were talking to my mom when she said Harry looked familiar".

"I remember he asked if she seen a picture becuase unfortunately people take his picture a lot" Ron said.

"She said no which was a relief" Harry said "then she asked wasnt I raised by my aunt and uncle. so I said yeah".

"Mom said his eyes looked exactly like her baby sisters eyes" Hermione said.

"Apprantley Hermiones mom is my aunt's and moms older sister" Harry said "this entire time I could've grown up with Hermione".

Sirius says to Remus "did Lily ever bring up a older sister other than petuina".

"No" Remus said thoughtfully.

"No one knew" Ron said.

"Yeah, my mom is 9 years older than petuina and 11 years older than Lily" Hermione said.

Hermione asks "wasn't mom adopted".

"She was adopted at 12" Hermione says "mom told me she ran away from her biological parents because they didn't care for her that much because they had her before marriage".

"So yeah" Harry said "me and Hermione are cousins".

The twins start laughing Molly and Ginny say "what's so funny".

"Its funny because everyone thought Harry and Hermione were dating last year" George said.

The future can't help but laugh some. Ron says "oh god I'm sorry, but I was so glad that y'all are related".

Hermione smirks as Harry says "everybody thought since we were in a tent for months alone that we were together".

"But we're not at all. You can reconize a family members magical signature" Hermione said.

Harry nods "Yeah like right now if I didn't know James is my son, I would know now because I can feel my magic responding to his in a protective manor" he kisses James head.

Just to prove his point James says "daddy" and hugs him.

Harry smiles and hugs him back.

"Now I miss Freddie and Roxy" George said.

"I miss Rosie now" Ron said blushing.

Hermione sighs and lays her head on Ron's shoulder "I miss Rosie too".

"What's Abby like" Fred asked.

George says "she's great. Abby reminds me of you with Katies brain" he smiles "she also loves to dance and is very good".

"Do you have a video of her dancing" Fred asked bashfully.

"Yep" George says playing a video.

A/n: ignore the names. Also if the video does not show up look up on YouTube "9 year old girl vs street dancer dance battle".

"Holy shit" some of them say.

"Wow she's really good" Ginny said.

"Can any of the other kids dance" Tonks asked.

Harry smirks "your future son cannot dance....but he can sing amazingly".

Remus blushes and says "do you have a video".

"I do" Harry said nodding "he did this at his school talent show a few months ago".

A/n: once again ignore the name. Also if the video fails to load look up "8 year old boy sings dead or alive".

"Holy shit, how are these kids that talented" Ron asks.

"Dunno" Ron said "we sure as hell didn't teach them".

"I asked Ted when did he learn to sing because that was the first time ive ever heard him sing" Harry said "he told me he sings when he's completely alone and only did the talent show because he was bored".

"Well their both really good at dancing and singing" Arthur said bemused.

"Can any of the others sing or dance" Harry asked curious.

"Not that we know of" George says "but they do have their own unique talents. Vic does gymnastics so does Dom and Louis. Laden loves to do front and back flips. Molly is super smart and Lucy can take the best pictures. Freddie can make just about anyone laugh and Roxie right now is still very little so I don't know what she likes fully yet. Rosie is already talking pretty good for her age. Jamie is a natural flirt and we'll we dont know the new baby's name because of his stubborn parents".

Harry just smirks "did you have to say my son is a natural flirt".

"He is though" Hermione says.

"I am well aware. Gin and I have to watch that as he gets older so he doesn't do something he'll regret".

"Damn he is already James" Sirius said.

Harry nods. Ron says "how come you and Ginny won't tell us his name".

"Because you can wait a couple more weeks it won't kill you" Harry says then he pales.

"Why did you pale like that" George asked.

"Someone needs to hurry up and get us back to 2006".

"What's wrong" Molly asked.

"My wife is 38 weeks pregnant and can have the baby any day and I'm 11 years in the past with a chance I may miss the day my son is born".

"You won't miss it" Hermione said unsure "also you heard Ginny, she told you get James home safe and she'll be ok with Molly".

"I know I can't help but worry" harry says self consciously touching his lower stomach.

"Why'd you touch your stomach like that" Ron blurted out.

Harry looks up "what...ohh I don't know force of habit I guess" the past looks a little confused "ever since I found out about my daughter touching right there became a habit. I touch that scar everytime I'm worried or scared".

They nod in understanding "your c-section scar am I right" Molly says softly.

"Yeah" Harry said sadly "I had a choice to take a potion that will heal the scar all the way to the point I can no longer see it...but I chose let heal like a muggle and I'll still see it. I only chose to keep it because it is the only thing of my daughter I have left. That scar is the only scar on my body I don't think is ugly and terrible".

Just then a bright light and loud noise rang through the room startling James. Right in front of them was.... "Teddy, Abby" George said.

End of chapter.

George Weasley in 1995Where stories live. Discover now