we all grow to love and miss (1)

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Fred's mouth dropped "WHAT".

George laughs some and shifts James in his arms. Remus says "Aren't your arms tired of holding him".

"A little, but I know James. He will touch anything...".

"And this house has cursed objects everywhere" Sirius finished.

George nodded "exactly".

James wakes up and starts crying.

George sighs and tries to calm him down "shh Jamie your ok".

James only continued to cry.

George gently rocks him and conjures a bottle giving it to James making him calm down.

Molly smiles "yup he's part weasley" they look at her "he calmed down instantly with food".

"True" they all agreed.

"Ok what do you mean Fred is a dad" George asked.

George grins "you heard me.

Fred immediately says "hold up...so let me get this straight. I have a kid with Katie Bell".

"Yup!" George said laughing.

Arthur looks at his wife and sees she is about to kill their son "Molly calm down some" he looks at George "do tell why and when this happened".

"Ok" George said with a mischievous grin "Fred and Katie start dating literally in a couple weeks from this date. Next month we had a party in the Gryffindor common room...long story short there was alcohol and they did something stupid that resulted to a baby being born 9 months later".

Fred goes bright red, Hermione says "but Katie is a 6th year".

"Yep, she was 16 when she found out" George said "but she was 17 when my niece was born".

"Damn that's illegal" Sirius said trying not to laugh.

Fred says sheepishly "at least I was 17".

Tonks said "how did everyone react to this".

"Well, Katie's dad wanted to kill my twin" Fred pales some "Mom was furious, but calmed down and was super excited over the idea of a grandbaby. Dad just sat there forever then asked if he was joking, but hes cool about it now. Bill just said good luck kids come back 10 times worse than their parents. Charlie started laughing thinking Fred was joking then stopped and said are you serious, after that he slapped Fred on the back of the head saying your an idiot, but he was ok with it. Percy had the balls to say some really hurtful shit to you which caused yall to fight, dont worry he regrets it now and loves his niece. I was the first person to know other than Katie and Fred, I was there the entire time to help him prepare to be a dad. Ron just sat there and said oh, after the shock he was cool with it. Ginny wasnt shocked at all she said she had a feeling it would happen when she saw them sneak away drunk. Pretty much everyone was shocked but ok with it. Fred said he almost fainted".

Remus says "why were Fred and Percy fighting".

"Percy started saying crap about how teen parents are disgraceful and hoes, also said they need to give their child up for adoption and Fred technically should be going to the ministry for having sex with a minor".

Molly looks sad everyone else looks a little to very pissed. Fred says darkly "tell me did I punch him because he deserves it after those snide comments".

George nods "you did. You also told him that he had no right to say that and he is not your parent. Also, you told him he is just upset that he's a virgin and your not" Fred smirks some "also you said you are not a how niether is Katie and yall not giving up your child. And Finally, you said at least I'm actually trying to be a father to my child because I know damn well that if your girlfriend told you she is pregnant you'll run away, and Katie is barely younger than yourself".

George Weasley in 1995Where stories live. Discover now