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Nighttime had long fallen over Virginia when Ryan began to wonder.

Where were they going?

Neither of them had any clue at this point, but he'd taken the wheel and she'd slid in the passenger seat with such determination, he couldn't have refused her if he tried.

Hope was restless, of all things.
Although he could never take a glimpse inside her head and find out what had her so anxious, he knew what drove his resolve.

He didn't know where they were going. He didn't care.
To his mind, the only priority was to get as far away from their respective fathers as possible.

He still couldn't believe he was taking such risks -running away with Hope Mikaelson. Running away with a powerful fifteen year old witch.

Said girl was looking out the window, staring at the trees passing by as he focused on the road. Her phone broke through the heavy silence, chiming as a notification went through and she stifled a groan.

''Aunt Freya's onto us.'' she declared, lifting the device to her sight. Light illuminated her face in the dark cloak of the night as she typed back a lie.

''I thought your cloaking spell was efficient.''

''Are you questioning my qualifications?''

He cast her a look over the steering wheel, which earned him a smack on the arm.


''And to answer your passive-aggressive observation, aunt Freya is one of the most powerful witches to have ever lived. The cloaking spell I cast serves as protection but it won't last. She'll be able to track us down. And soon. As of now though, it's... fuzzy, even to her.''

''Remind me to never piss you off then. No one would ever find my body.''

Hope laughed, lifting her phone higher up in the air and propped her elbow on the door. Ryan glanced at it quickly, a frown appearing on his face as he recognized her intent.

''Smile for the picture!'' the device clicked, capturing her wide grin in a memento, ''What? Road trip souvenirs.''

''Great. At least you'll know what picture to use for my funeral service. Once your father kills me, that is.''

''If it makes you feel any better, my mom would kill us too if she knew we were taking selfies and driving.'' she grinned, ''Though compared to binding my werewolf side, I'd say it's a light misdemeanor.''

''Are you really going to get through with it?'' he asked, his eyes never leaving the road. He knew the answer to that question, but hearing how she really felt about it all gave him a sense of belonging. Maybe if he could just convince her otherwise...

''My aunt basically said that I'll regret it for the rest of my life and from what I read in my dad's journals, it's... horrible.''

''Is that a yes?''

''I have to,'' she declared, smile falling, ''I need to find my mom.''

''So... this road trip is your way to take your mind off it?'' his chuckle was curt short when he turned to her. He hadn't seen that look often on her, and certainly never when he was concerned.

Bloom || HOPE MIKAELSON x RYAN CLARKE Where stories live. Discover now