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The year is 2030, the third world war has ended against the Isis terrorist group. Russia has been hit pretty hard by the attacks and some of it's people are being greatly affected. Especially those of Tula, Voronezh, Smolensk, and in between Oblast's of them and the country's of Ukraine and Belarus.

Uprisings start in Tula, demanding that the country helps them improve their state of living, soon spreading to for said Oblast's. Slowly a civil war breaks out. The new district who has named it's self The District of Tula (after where it started) is now growing very strong and will likely win.

The civil war is nearing its end.


In Moscow in the home of the personification of Russia, he sits worried for his people, he doesn't want to be separated once again, he's been feeling the tare of it in his chest and knows what's going to happen next. He falls asleep in his seat with a bottle of vodka in his hands.

He wakes up the next morning to the sound of his door bell. Dread already entering his body as he opens the door. There he finds his boss with his sister's Belarus and Ukraine, a young sleeping infant was being held in Ukraine's arms by her breast. Fear creeped amongst his face and his heart sanked in his chest as he took the child into his hands while inviting them inside. She was small and had ashen blond hair like him. He held her close in his arms, slowly her eyes fluttered open looking up at him, eyes of violet just like his. A small smile escaped the infants lips as she feel back asleep. Tears began to well up in his own eyes as he watched her.

"The people have decided to call her Tula after the Tula Oblast," said Ukraine.

"Will you please take care of her for now," said his boss.

He then shock his head yes, "Is she our sister?"

"That's for her to decide, but with the way of the people, it looks like a no," replied his boss.

"She better keep herself in check," said Belarus.

After talking about all the things that now need to be done, they leave his home to leave the two alone.


The child grows fast in the home of Russia. By now Tula has the human name of Nina Nioklogovich. Russia keeps his eyes on the child at all times. They hardly speak to each other though. In her "pre teen" years she takes the train to visit her country and attends the world meetings on her own. The other countries see her as her own, while Russia becomes furious with her as she becomes more and more rebellious along with her people as well as distant.

Russia tries to treat her as well as he treated Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia but she was not as submissive as them. He does truly care about her yet she doesn't return any of it back to him. Eventually in her "teenage" years she decides to leave Russia's house and to never return after having an argument with the bigger country. It leaves him in pieces.

20 years pass from that time (it is now 2056) the country of Tula has settled down and is now talking to Russia but the personifications are not. The presidents of the two countries are now forcing Tula to live with Russia again and she is not very happy about it. There is nothing she can do to stop what will happen in her future.

This is my first time writing a fanfiction! I hope you guys like it/this idea!
Please tell me if you guys want me to write more. (I actually have the first few chapters written already.)
I will update when I get at least 5 reads for the prologue and at least 1 good comment from someone to tell me to keep updating.
I'm sorry but my updates will probably not be regular due to personal situations that have to deal with life.
I would like to give a shout out to Exellda for proofreading my prologue. (Go check out her two fanfictions Levi's Wings of Freedom and How the Monsters fall like Leaves.)
Once again I hope you guys like this so far, have fun! Bye! ^-^

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