We meet again.

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Wow a warning on the very first chapter. Sorry guys.
Warning slight violence, skip it if you feel uncomfortable by it.

Well no one has read the prologue yet so I'm just going to update when I please. Maybe having more chapters will get people interested.


I leave my home on the train connecting our two countries, with all my luggage. Oh how I hate this. I hate them. I hate him. That enormous brute. No love for his people, only his sunflowers. His stupid sunflowers. How I hate them.

Why can't I go live with another country, like America who has shown me so much, or Italy who always has something fun to do? Why him? Why.......... Russia? Ugh, I hate his guts. All he did was ignore and annoy me. Always had his over sized nose up in my business, I can take care of myself.

The train rattles along as Tula thinks to herself and dreads the ride. Finally it stops in the station of Moscow. Alone she leaves the station and heads off towards his house. It was a cold walk. The foot steps she leaves behind puts prints in the fresh show as it falls to the ground.

She finally arrives at the large house. "Ugh," she thinks to herself. She knocks the knocker and rings the doorbell. A few seconds latter Ivan appears behind the door.

"Welcome home Nina," he greets.

"This is not my home," she retorts in response as she enters the house. The larger country goes in to give her a hug and kiss just like any other guest he would invite into the house. She pushes him away before he could do so.

"I am going to put my stuff away. Do not come and invite me to eat dinner with you I can make my own meals and don't come to check in on me I'm not a child," she chided him as she made her way up the massive staircase.

"Nina," he called after her.

"What?" she glared back at him.

"I know you're not thrilled by this, but bosses say we need to talk again. I just want you to know that I am here if you get lonely," he kindly said.

"Why would I come to you if I got lonely," she said darkly, glaring at him.

"Because there is no else here," said Russia far more darkly than she, a massive dark purple aura formed around him as he began to click his teeth, "kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol."

"That doesn't scare me creep, remember," she chided as she left him alone on the stairs.

She made her way to the room she had once claimed as a child. It was the same as she had left it. Russia had not moved anything in the room but had obviously been in the room for it was clean and free of dust. She took her bag and put the clothes away in the dresser and hung her dresses and shirts in the closet. She placed the books she brought with her on the book shelf and her violin case on top of the dresser. She then proceeded to flop down on the bed and stared at the ceiling not knowing what to do next.

She knew their bosses wanted them to talk but that was not going to convince her to do so. Why should she talk to him? He was the one who didn't help them out when they needed it after World War Three. No love for his people. When she was a new country he always had his eyes on her. She couldn't do anything without him being there. She was her own independent country, why would he need to take care of her, even now? The thoughts were frustrating as she dozed off into a light sleep.

She woke up to violet eyes.

"I made some Tyurya if you want some, da?"

"Why on earth would I want some of your stupid soup?! I thought I told you to not come check in on me or offer me food, get out!"

The dark aura formed around him again, "I am being nice, you should be thankful."

"I don't give a rat's ass, get out!"

She rubbed her tender cheek, he had hit her across the face. He slowly got up with his hair in his eyes, darkness surrounding him, and left the room with out a word.

This is the first time he has ever hit her and acted as such. It was normal for her to hit him when they fought, but he always shocked it off with a smiling face and left in peace. For the first time Ivan let his anger out on her.

He took his seat at the table, the bowl of Tyurya in front of him. He finished his meal in silence. Then he went to the green house that was attached to the kitchen. Inside there were dozens of sunflowers. He made his way to the back to the pot with the only other type of flower in the room. A single black rose. He began to weep.

Why? Why does she have to hate me? It's not my fault that the Oblast's didn't get help. It's my bosses fault. Why can't she see that? Why? Why does everyone separate from me? Why?

When his tears had dried he left the green house. He opened the door and smelled smoke, fear grabbed hold  of him, until he spotted the source.  Tula was trying to cook. She was burning  what was ever in the pan. She was fidgeting around  the stove in worry. He came up behind her to have a look, she was cooking Kotlety.

"You are burning it, da."

She jumped, "Don't sneak up behind me!"

He took hold of her and  lead her to a chair, "you set here or I beat you with magic metal pipe of pain," to his surprise she sat and didn't move.

He then cleaned out the pan she was cooking in and restarted making Kotlety. When he was done he gave her a plate of the food he made and told her to eat. She began to promptly as he left.

He went to his room and grabbed the  bottle of  vodka on his night stand. He took a big swig of the clear distilled alcohol then fell on his bed. Sleep slowly engulfed  him as he weeped.

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