The Prank

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Blue/Raph: *sleeping back-to-back on couch* zzzzzzzz...

Mikey/Lav/Becca/Katie: hehehe

- a little while later -

Blue/Raph: MIKEY!!!!! LAVENDER!!!!!

Blue: *holds up hand (which is handcuffed to Raphs hand)* seriously?

Mikey: yep!!

Lav: *holds up keys* and we'll give u these in one week time

Blue: u know that thing I said to Becca when she gave me the THING

Lav: *thinks* yes

Blue: well this is one of those situations

Lav: *smiles proudly* I know!

Mikey: ???

- one week later-

Lav: Blue! Raphie! Time to get the handcuffs off!

Blue: naw, I'm pretty comfy like this, we can keep em on a bit longer

Lav: okay then? *walks out of room*

- a scream is heard -

Blue/Raph: *highfives*

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