Part #3 - Mount Alatara

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Chapter #15 - The Nievara Blancan Mountains

Half-rested and feeling only half themselves, the companions made their way out of the Gloomwood the following morning. Ivanilson found the time and energy to study and prepare roughly half of his normal complement of spells and he hoped that this would prove sufficient in the day ahead. Michelle took a bit of time to look over the bruising around Donny's neck, although there was quite little she could do for him. Commander Willy seemed even more somber than usual as he led the companions out of the Gloomwood, clearly distracted by his own thoughts.

As the companions made their way to the edge of the forest, they saw the piercing morning light break through the trees, a welcome sight to their heavy eyes. The light seemed far brighter than any of them recalled. This realization was attributed to both the light's absence in the Gloomwood and to the manner in which the daylight reflected around the snowy mountains which stood before them.

"They are really quite beautiful," Loriel smiled up to Ivanilson.

"The Nievara Blancan Mountains," Ivanilson nodded along in agreement, "Absolutely stunning." His gaze shifted down from the mountains to the beautiful young Oeillouran woman standing beside him.

"There are so many mountains... How do we know which one we are headed to?" Loriel stared up at the massive snow-covered peaks, amazed by their beauty and grandeur.

"Well the Yeti love the cold, so it seems logical that we will be headed up Mount Alatara, that tallest one there," Ivanilson took Loriel's soft hand in his own and guided it towards the largest of the many tall peaks.

Loriel's voice grew a bit softer as she feigned a hint of fear, "And what do you know of the Yeti?" She stared up into the young mage's blue eyes, leaving her hand in his.

"The yeti are massive, hulking creatures, well known for being stubborn fighters and savage adversaries. They are certainly not a foe to be taken lightly," Ivanilson responded sincerely, "Though I shall do my best to protect you from them."

"Well I will make certain to stay close by your side then," she squeezed his hand a little tighter around her own, "How long do you think it will take us to get up there?"

"Four days?" Ivanilson guessed, smiling down and meeting Loriel's captivating gaze.

"Four days," Loriel nodded along, eager to agree with the handsome young mage, "I imagine it will be quite cold up there..."

"Freezing, but I'm sure we will figure something out," Ivanilson winked down to her.

Loriel's beautiful tan cheeks turned a light red shade as she blushed, though she was not in the least bit embarrassed. "Well you do seem rather intelligent, I have complete confidence in you," she released his hand and ran her own up his arm.

"Intelligent enough to look after those who stick by my side," he assured her. They walked together like that for a while, never really saying anything of much importance. Each of them enjoyed the company and flirtations of the other, and so they left it at that.

In front of them, Gunavar, Jhati and Donny were walking three abreast. In an effort to raise Donny's spirits, Gunavar engaged the bard in a bit of witty banter and dark humor.

"I hear Yeti are environmentally conscientious, they always make sure to eat every part of a human," Gunavar offered to Donny without a hint of a smile.

"Yes, though I hear they are superior as lovers. Never a cold bed so long as there is a Yeti nearby," Donny matched Gunavar, also managing to suppress his own urge to snicker.

"Most certainly, just hope they do not roll over on top of you in the middle of the night," Gunavar concluded with a look to Jhati. He was curious to see what his dearest companion would make of all this.

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