Chapter five

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The next day, as I was getting ready for work, Scott tapped me on my shoulder.

"Kyle's on the phone... he sounds upset."

I groan and take the phone. I put up against my ear, and I could hear the unmistakable sounds of Kyle having a panic attack.


"Oh god, Mae!? Please come home!"

I ball my fist. "After you hit me last night?"

"I did what..? Mae, I'm sorry! Come home! We can talk about this, right?"

"I'll talk... when you get help with your alcohol problem."

"Mae I'm-"

"If you love me, you'll get help."

I slam the phone down and curl into a ball on the couch. Scott walked up behind me and sighs. He sat down next to me and patted my back.

"Am I doing the right thing?"

"I think you are. He needs help and this is a wake up-"

There was a loud string of knocks on the door, followed by sobs.

"Mae, come outside! I'll change! Please!"

I sat up and started to cry. I didn't want to talk to him right now. I wanted to lay down and sleep, not even caring about work.

Scott got up and flung open the door. Kyle shoved Scott's shoulder trying to get inside the house.

"Mae! Please! Come outside and talk to me!"

"Kyle, she doesn't want to talk right now."

"I want her to tell me that!" He said glaring at Scott. "Mae! Get out here!"

My tears began to become waterfalls. My nose got stuffy and my cheeks became red.

"Go away Kyle!"

Then, as if magic... Kyle got in his car and drove away. I sat there on the couch and looked at the clock... 10:45.
I pulled up and into the parking lot. I sat in my car for a while, till a fimiiar ginger knocked on my window.

"You coming or sitting in your car all day?"

I climbed out and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Eat any more souls?"

"Just because I'm a ginger, doesn't not mean I eat souls." He pasues. "Thirty-four."

I giggle as me and Fritz enter the building. Children were running around laughing without a care in the world. That's when Mike walked up to me. He handed me an envelope.

"He wanted me to give you a hint."

I looked up.

"You've met him before."

Before I could ask him anything, he walked away. I looked down at the envelope. Fritz took it and looked it over.

"This doesn't look like Kyle's handwriting."

"It's not... someone named William's."

Fritz froze and gripped my shoulders.

"Don't open any more letters."


"He's someone you don't wanna mess with Mae."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the back room. I opened the letter. The cursive looked like it was rushed and sloppy.

Mae Haffman,

Hello love, I don't have much time... they're on my tail. I wish I had more time. I promise you my little song bird~... after this is all done we can finally meet. Give me a month, a few weeks at least. Oh my beautiful song bird... just a while longer.

Your's only,

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