Chapter 1

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"Aish! Rosé how could you be so stupid?! Didn't you know it was Lisa-yah who made all these decorations?! She was the one who prepared all these things and you only see Sooyah! Aish stupid girl!"

"What's her problem?" Nayeon nudged Chaeyoung before giving a big bite on her Subway. She was pertaining to the brunette who was obviously not in a good mood because of the manhwa she was reading.

"As usual, Jennie ranting over the characters of that manhwa she's currently addicted to," Chaeyoung said while sipping her soda. She was drinking it so meticulously that you would think she was sipping tea.

"It was because this female lead is so stupid! She couldn't see the efforts her best friend is doing just to make her happy!" I said while throwing a dagger look at Jisoo.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not even talking here!" My friend Jisoo asked me, slamming her soda on top of the table.

"It's because you look exactly like Sooyah and seeing you makes me see red! How could she take Rosé away from Lisa-yah!" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Oh, so she's hot like me?" Jisoo said with that silly smirk on her lips.

"Ha! She's ugly just like you," I said under my breath.

"Hey! I heard that!" Jisoo said.

"When will these two stop bickering?" Nayeon asked Chaeyoung, who was busy drinking her soda while reading her book.

"Let them be, they're always like that, they will stop if you're gonna give them food," Chaeyoung said nonchalantly.

Nayeon grabbed her sandwich and gave it to Jisoo. "Here, eat this so you will have something better to do other than spitting on each other's faces." Just like a child, Jisoo's eyes widened when she saw the food, she grabbed it then sat back properly on her chair and ate the sandwich while humming.

"Hey! What about m-" I was not able to finish my sentence when Chaeyoung shoved her oatmeal cookies in my face. I took it and then gave it a big bite. "You guys are the best!" I said while smiling at them.

"You're so right," Nayeon whispered to Chaeyoung.

"I told you," Chaeyoung said then she took her book to continue her reading.

I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Jennie Kim, a 20-year-old college student taking up International Business at Seoul University and the three girls I am with are my friends since my toddler days. We are all students of this University but of different courses. Chaeyoung is taking up Arts and Business, Jisoo is a Mass Communication and Media student and currently doing workshops as a side course, and Nayeon is taking up Dentistry.

We have been together since we were still in our diapers and we promised each other to stick till the end, so even though we are taking different courses, we see to it to go to the same University. We would always hang out if we have free time, especially during weekends.

The manhwa I'm reading is called "You Found Me" and it is about two Female Leads who found each other during the most crucial and challenging times of their lives, hence when they met, they did not think twice and got into a whirlwind kind of romance. I like the story not because of these two leads but because of the best friend of one of the leads. And yes, I have Second Lead Syndrome. My heart always goes out to the one suffering from unrequited love. And Lisa, one of the characters of "You Found Me", has the most painful experience out of all the manhwas I have read. That must be the reason why I was so hooked, and a good storyline is just a bonus.

Does liking an F2F manhwa make me a lesbian? I do not know. I have not liked any girls before, the same thing goes for boys. All I know is that I only like Lisa, as in I like her character very much, sadly she is only fictional and I will never meet her in this world.

"Okay I am going to head out first, my break is over!" Jisoo said while standing up.

"Do not forget you guys are going to accompany me later," I reminded them before we parted ways.

"Why? Where?" Nayeon asked.

"To the bookstore," it was Chaeyoung who answered her. "A new volume has been released yesterday, and I was surprised you haven't bought it yet, Jennie?" She looked at me.

"Well, yeah. Mom asked me to run some errands yesterday plus all the paperworks I need to finish, it totally slipped my mind," I answered her while picking up my things.

"I will see you later girls! Bye!" Then we went our separate ways.

The last scene of the manhwa I was reading kept playing on my mind. It was when Rosé saw Sooyah with another girl in an inappropriate way. She went to Lisa as her shoulder to cry on and instead of her taking advantage of Rosé's current weak condition, she comforted her and said she should talk to Sooyah to know what really happened, even though all she wanted to do was to wipe off Rosé's tears through kisses, but she knew it was not her kiss she wanted.

Lisa-yah, how can you be so selfless?

"Ahjussi, thank you so much for saving me a copy of "You Found Me"! I really thought I would come home with my heart broken because I would not be able to read the next volume!" I bowed my head repetitively while saying my thanks to the old man.

"Aish, I did not do anything, I just saved one copy just in case you are going to visit my shop today," the kind man said.

"Yeah, I was not able to come yesterday because I had other things to do. Please always save me a copy if it is not a burden to you, Ahjussi!" I told the old man.

"You are my regular customer here, I will always save a copy for you then," the old man gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you again, Ahjussi! We will be going now!" I bowed my head again.

"I am good here now, girls. Are you going to buy anything?" I asked my friends who were waiting for me outside the shop.

"Where is Jisoo?" I asked them when I noticed Jisoo is nowhere in sight.

"She went inside, said she was going to look for a certain mini novel too." It was Chaeyoung who answered me.

"Oh, she's here!" Nayeon said when she saw Jisoo walking out of the same store I was in earlier.

"What did you buy?" I asked her when I noticed she was holding a paper bag in one of her hands.

"I saw reviews of this mini novel on the internet, and heard it was good," Jisoo said. She gave the paper bag to me, urging me to see it for myself.

"'The Heiress and The Bodyguard'? Let me know if it is any good," I told her.

(A/N kekekeke! Please if it is at your convenience, try and check out my other story, The Heiress and The Bodyguard 🙉)

"I just bought the first volume, there are a total of four volumes and I will buy the remaining three if I find it to be good," Jisoo said.

"Okay, time for me to go home. I am going to help my mom prepare dinner. I will see you tomorrow!" We all bid farewell and went our separate ways. Chaeyoung and Jisoo are living together, they are sharing a dorm. While Nayeon and I are still living with our parents because our home is just near the University so there was really no need for us to rent a dormitory.

I was riding a bus with the manhwa on my lap.

Will you be making me laugh or cry this time, Lisa-yah?


Hey everyone! So here I am again with a new story titled "You Found Me". And just like Jennie in this story, I also have SLS especially when I read "What Does The Fox Say" (it's a good webtoon!) and it triggered once again when I watched "Clash Landing On You". I was honestly saddened because of the love story of the second lead of that kdrama.

I asked myself 'why can't there be any happy ending for these lonely souls'? So I thought why not write my own story wherein the second lead will have a happy ending? Whether it be with a new love or the kind of happiness she can find within herself? Like inner peace or something.

So here I am writing this story! Please support my story again, like what you guys have always shown in my previous stories :)

I will try to update this one regularly (not daily though because I still have to work for a living eehee! 🙉)

I love you lots! xoxo

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