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🦁Harry's POV🦁

After classes I walked to the owlery to see if I could find their owl. I walked in and looked around then I saw it, the eagle owl that gave me the original letter I pulled out my pre-made reply that read:

Dear secret admirer,

Thank you for the compliment however, the fact that I don't know who you are is killing me. Why don't you think I'll return your affection? I mean from what I've read you seem pretty charming. Maybe if I know who you are I can better judge if I like you or not? 


The curious Harry Potter

I gave it to the owl and told it to give the letter to its owner. I turned around to leave finding Malfoy in the doorway a look of shock on his face. "Malfoy?" I said questioningly. I watched astonished as he turned on his heel and left. How odd, it was certainly out of character for him. After that odd encounter I left to go to the great hall for dinner.

Later, after dinner, I went upstairs to the 5th year dorms. There I found another letter on my bed. I immediately went and sat on my bed excitedly opening the letter. It said:

Dear Harry, 

I see that Gryffindor curiosity is getting the better of you my dear. I have my reasons for not revealing who I am just yet. But don't be impatient, I have a game for you to figure out who I am. The rules are simple we ask each other one question per letter and we both have to answer the others question truthfully. If you're up for it I have my first question. What is your favorite color? A doozy I know, but try your best. I have instructed my owl to come back to your dorm at midnight give him your reply then.

With love, 

Your secret admirer 

"A...game?" Was all I could think I mean was this all a big game? It would make sense although I would like this to not be a practical joke. I heard someone coming up the stairs to the dorm, so I quickly stuffed the letter under my pillow and grabbed the first book I could find, which just so happened to be the latest issue of the quibbler that Luna gave me. But it was too late to grab something else as Ron was already entering the dorm. "Mate, do you actually read that rubbish Luna gives you?" He asked slightly disgusted. I actually found the quibbler quite insightful although I would never admit that to Ron.

I simply got of my bed and was about to head out the door when Ron asked another question, "where you goin' Harry?"

"To study for a potions exam in the library. You know it's my worst subject so I thought I should at least try to study. Also Hermione might have my head if I fail this one!" He just chuckled and said, "okay have fun mate!" Just as I was about to leave I remembered the letter I went over (luckily Ron was busy with whatever it is he does in his spare time) and grabbed it from under my pillow and left. I felt bad for lying to Ron, but I knew that if I told him he'd make a big deal out of it.

I went to the library so I could write a reply to my admirer. I walk in and to my dismay Malfoy is at a table doing a transfiguration paper. I just sit at a different table and hope he doesn't bother me. While thinking of what to say, I look over at Malfoy.

He doesn't seem to notice me, he's just hunched over his paper writing. You know I've never taken the time to thoroughly look at him, since we fight so often, moments when he doesn't notice me are rare. I noticed how his almost white blond hair kind of fell into his eyes, then I noticed he is right handed from there I noticed his slightly muscular build probably from how much he plays quidditch, then I noticed his grey eyes how glossy they are, almost doll like. Finally I noticed his lips they looked soft, almost kissable. I guess I never noticed how hot Draco is. Then I realized what I was doing and I looked away a blush rising to my cheeks. "I'm straight! Aren't I?" I questioned in my head I mean I never considered the possibility that I could like guys, but here I was practically drooling over one of my worst enemies whose a guy! I decided to focus on writing my reply, which once finished read:

Dear secret admirer,

I accept your game. My favorite color is red, and not because it is a Gryffindor color. I saw a pot of poinsettias in a neighbors window they were the prettiest things I'd ever seen, granted I was three, but red is still my favorite color and poinsettias are still my favorite flower. Now for your question what is your house? I assume your a student? If not this is creepy not gonna lie.


Harry Potter 

While I was sealing my letter in an envelope Crabbe and Goyle walk in. Crabbe ruffles my hair and Goyle punches me in the arm knocking my glasses off. Once I put my glasses back on the weirdest thing was happening. It looked like Malfoy was scolding them for teasing me! I rationalized that he's probably scolding them for doing it wrong or something like that. There is no way he'd defend me.

I walk up to the now empty Gryffindor dorms and I read until midnight. When the owl came I gave it my letter and went to bed. "This is going to be interesting, I wonder who this person is." I thought to myself as I drifted of to sleep.

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