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Draco's POV

   TW: Mention of abuse

     It's time for Christmas break, and I'm on the train home. Most kids would be excited to go home for Christmas, but I have a promise to keep, and I'm a little scared of what the outcome will be. The best possibility is that I can leave after I tell them and run off to the address Harry gave me, however the worse and more likely situation is that I'd be used for Voldemort's plans against my boyfriend.

     Luckily I get to sit next to Harry on the train until we get to the station then it's back to the closet I go at least until we get back to the manor. Harry squeezes my hand reassuringly somehow knowing I was stressed. I squeezed back lightly and we just sat there Harry, Ron, and Hermione were chatting about school and how different things will be after break. I joined in occasionally whenever the conversation drifted to our relationship, but mostly I just enjoyed these few hours I'd have in Harry's company.

     After what felt like only a few minutes the train screeched to a stop I kissed Harry one last time before I went back to hell. I got off the train and spotted my father with his cane and my mother looking around for me. At least my mother cared a little about me. I walked over to them and greeted them like I always do. "Mother, Father." My mother went to hug me, but my father stopped her, giving her a look. She went back to standing straight and then we walked back over to the floo fireplaces and off we went. Back to the manor.

I'm really sorry if I got how the Malfoy's travel wrong.... I couldn't find an answer on that so I just went with floo powder sorry if it's wrong.


     When we arrived at the manor my father spoke, "Get upstairs and wear something nice then meet us in the drawing room." I did as I was told and went upstairs and changed into a suit of mine I also packed everything I would need at Remus and Sirius's place, just in case I needed to make a quick exit. Then I left my room and went downstairs.

     I walked into the drawing room and sat down my mother spoke this time, "Draco dear, we have big news for you! We talked to the dark lord and... he's going to give you your dark mark!" My eyes widened I couldn't believe my ears my parents would really make this big of a decision about my life without me?

"What if I refuse?" I asked coldly my mother seemed surprised and saddened a bit, my father on the other hand looked furious.

     "If you refuse the dark mark it will be not you who is punished but us!" My father calmly yet angrily stated. all I could think was good riddance, I know wishing death on my mother doesn't seem fair, but my father has beat me countless times and she would always just watch. If it's her or me I'd choose her.

"Father I have something to tell you." My father raised an eyebrow as I spoke up. "I'm gay a-"

I was interrupted by my father. "Does it look like I care if your fucking boys Draco? As long as it doesn't interfere with the dark lord's wishes I couldn't care l-"

     I interrupted him this time shouting out my anger, "ENOUGH!" I had had it. with him not caring as long as I obeyed, him so willing to do whatever the dark lord wanted even if it wasn't what I wanted. My father looked shocked my mother looked scared. "I'm in love with Harry James Potter. Care now?"

     My father was outraged, "HOW DARE YOU! Loving someone just to spite me!" He shouted. I stared at him blankly for a moment then I laughed, I couldn't stop laughing both of my parents looked at me like I'm crazy.

     I managed to speak through my laughter. "Y-You R-Really think I L-Love him to spite you?" Then I stopped laughing, "How self absorbed can you be? I love him because he's amazing, I don't care what the "all powerful dark lord" thinks. I don't even care what you think father. He's my boyfriend that I care about and I'll protect him until I die. Now as much as I have loved this chat.... I'm going to be leaving, Harry's waiting for me." As I turned to leave my father quickly dashes in front of me.

     "You insolent child! Did you really think I'd let you leave!" He yelled. My mother like always watched and did nothing. "The dark lord may be able to use you yet! I mean if the Potter boy loves you then you may be his greatest weakness." My father draws his wand. "Your staying here at least until the dark lord decides what to do with you."

     "Not a chance" I growl as I too draw my wand. My father tries to do expelliarmus, but I quickly shout, "Protego" and block his spell. After a couple minutes of dueling He starts to say the killing curse I was surprised, but not shocked he'd use that spell on me. I interrupted him. "This has been fun but..." My father stopped his incantation and looked at me puzzled. "Like I said I must get going."

     My father laughed. It seems he's underestimated me. Big mistake. "Incendio!" I quickly shouted. my father moved out of the way as the stream of flames set fire to the stairs. He then moved back to in front of the stairs. "Oh dear seems like I missed your head. Move or I won't miss next time." I smirked. He hurried out of the way actually looking frightened. I carefully made me way up the burning stairs, but before I left my parent's earshot I shouted, "Thanks for years of torture, torment, and trauma!" I cast Incendio again to the stairs so my father couldn't even try following me. Then I had a wicked idea.

     I quickly went to my room and grabbed my bag. I grabbed my broom and got on it carefully flying out the window, but before I went I cast Incendio on my room three times lighting the whole room on fire. It sadly wasn't enough flames to burn down the whole manor, but it was definitely enough flames to burn down half of the second floor, which also has their bedroom.

     I left and didn't look back. I flew high enough so muggles wouldn't see me, but I occasionally went down a little to see where I was. For the first time I felt free and happy, really happy. I was heading towards a better life. I was heading towards Harry.

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