- prologue -

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People like to say that Spring offers new beginnings. Flowers bloom, the green of nature reveals itself, and everyone seems happier as the warm weather fights away the cold.

Sometimes though, only the lucky get to experience Spring to its fullest. It's sad but the truth. Hidden inside the laughters of children playing, there are also the cries of helplessness and sorrow. The yells cursing the Spring, asking why their beginning doesn't seem to be the same as everyone else.

Everyone wants to be the same. School is a war zone and home of people who don't stay true to themselves. It's always about being better than others instead of trying to help them improve. Spring sure does like to make people hate themselves. 

A small boy clicked his tongue watching the other kids play, their laughter making him sick. He knew the feeling of Spring all too well. He hated how they laughed at everything. Mostly though, the everything actually meant him. His eyes squinted as he frowned and stood up from the wall. His red hair fell in front of his eyes preventing him from seeing anything clearly. He slouched over and sighed, still putting most of his weight on the wall. Some of the kids took notice of this and grinned.

"Careful, the monster awoke!" a black haired boy called. The red haired boy quickly glanced up causing the other to back away. "Stay away from me weirdo."

The so called 'monster' walked over slowly to where the volleyball's were. He gently picked one up and looked at the wall. The boy gingerly raised his arms up, his fingers seemingly to curl around the ball's frame. In an instant he lowered his arms before tossing them back up, the ball going upwards. As the ball made contact with the wall, it perfectly bounced off and went straight for the red head.

He raised his hands again and readied his fingers. The ball made contact and the boy repeated once again the same motion as before. There, left in the corner of the gym he practiced alone having most of his tosses miss, however the rare occasion came when it was perfect.

Even though the boy wasn't exactly bored, he still felt lonely. He always tried to fit in, yet society's standards chewed and spit him out like gum making him at the bottom of the hierarchy. Even though everyone hated him, he still couldn't shake the thought of I'm human too.


a/n : hello! i hope you enjoyed the first part of the story even if it was a little boring aha :,)

i'm mostly writing because i tend to get different ideas as i watch stuff lol and i finally wanted to put it somewhere. why not wattpad?

this book is mainly just gonna be something that i work on for fun, so sometimes certain chapters may have different perspectives and sometimes side stories that relate to the main one!

also, the main perspective isn't gonna be in a (y/n) type way, the character is gonna have a real name that i can follow by as well as a design. ( sorry! ;w; ) I have a lot of ideas on what i want to do with this book so i hope you all look forward to that (^ー^)

i hope you all have a good day!

ps. if i make any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out so i can fix them :))

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