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The lunch bell rang and the sounds of students exiting and entering the classroom could be heard. Aiko sat, playing with the piece of paper that was given to her than none other than the red head himself. The one who was apart of all those rumors; Tendo Satori.

She glanced behind her to where his seat was and saw his presence wasn't there. He must have gone to get lunch. On the other side of the classroom she could hear the sliding of chairs and footsteps. Aiko glanced up and saw it was Yui. She smiled.

"Yo, what was with that note thing I saw being passed to you," Yui asked, grabbing the chair in front of her and pulling it next to Aiko's desk.

"Aah.. he gave me this note and I don't really know what to think of it.." she laughed slightly. Yui gave her a look before replying.

"This sounds creepy as hell, guess who? What was he thinking when he wrote it?" Aiko shrugged and tilted her chair back to look out the window.

"Maybe he mistook me for someone else?" The seat dropped down as she finished her sentence. "I mean I don't really have anything special for me going on," she laughed. Yui frowned.

"Don't say that.." she gritted her teeth. "I've known you for awhile and I can say that you are better than a lot of people I know."  her friend persuaded. Aiko smiled at that, and then giggled. "What?"

"It's nothing, it's just i'm not sure what I would do without you," the girl smiled. Yui couldn't help but join her. Anyone could tell that those two had a friendship that couldn't be broken.

Aiko met up with Harumi and Kimi, as well as Yui as they all began walking home together. The hue of the sky cast a brilliant orange in the air, making everything seem brighter. Maybe that's what helped catch Aiko's eye as she was talking with her friends, the shade of red contrasting with the background.

She stumbled a little bit at the sight. Her friends looked back at her realizing, and then followed her gaze. There stood the talk of the day, his back against the wall connecting to the school gate. The way that his hair fell slightly down from the days activities matched the downcast look in his eye. Even though most of the school stayed away from him, something about this sight of him was oddly beautiful.

It seemed that the world spun in slow motion as he looked up at her. His eyes were different compared to others, and yet she felt trapped. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach of familiarity that she couldn't quite place. Aiko hated that.

"-ko, Aiko?" she slowly blinked tearing her gaze away.

"Oh.. sorry." she murmured as Harumi stared at her. The others were a little further ahead.

"Why are you gawking at him? It's best not to communicate with his kind," her friend said dryly. 

"Oh." was all she could say. Aiko looked back at Tendo to see that he was already walking away. She was tempted to ask him about the note, but she decided to wait another day for that. "Sorry.." she continued. "I was just thinking about today," Aiko smiled, catching up with the others.

Harumi followed her. "Jeez, you're gonna end up tripping over somebody in the future," she joked. As the two of them caught up, Yui turned around, eyes sparkling.

"Do you guys wanna get ice cream? It's kinda hot out and me and Kimi were talking about it," Yui proposed. Aiko for one, was not against it.

"Let's go!" she cheered happily.


The four of them made it to the ice cream shop and headed inside. The feeling of air conditioning was addictive compared to the heat of the sun. Aiko looked at all of the flavors, contemplating which one that she wanted. She was tempted to ask the others for a suggestion but decided not too. In her eyes, the different things that people choose matched their personality.

Yui had always liked cotton candy flavored things. It matched with her bubbly personality, but lots of people also liked her as she was vibrant to be around. Kind of like the colors of cotton candy.

Harumi was sometimes cold and could be troublesome, but she was also reliable. She reminded Aiko of mint chocolate chip. And of course she couldn't forget Kimi. Kimi was one of the sweetest people she met. Of course she had a slightly feisty side to her, but Aiko appreciated that. The flavor cookies n' cream definitely fit her.

She continued to think about how things were similar to the people around her until she thought of Tendo. What flavor would he be? She continued to think about it as they were all leaving. She didn't really know him, yet it seemed like he knew her.

Aiko also didn't really know what kind of person he was like. Based on the rumors, he wouldn't even be a ice cream flavor, maybe something spicy instead. Her brows furrowed in concentration, the night sky greeting them all. She didn't know how long she was in thought until Yui jabbed her side slightly.

"Oi, are you here with us?" she teased, licking some  of her ice cream. Aiko looked at her. "Jeez, you keep spacing out again. Thinking about the devil of our school?" Yui asked.

"Wha- oh no," Aiko quickly lied. "I was just thinking of our history project and how we are gonna tackle it," she sighed. The ice cream flavor was gonna have to wait.

"Oh that? Don't worry about it. I know a few people that should be able to help us," Yui smiled. Aiko returned the gesture and looked up at the sky. Night was definitely her favorite. The way that the silence would be broken by the rustling leaves, or the crickets communicating with the stars.  "Oh, by the way, what flavor did you get?" her friend asked.

"Ah.. nothing crazy," she began. "Just chocolate flavored."


a/n; i'm back with a late update  :,,))
sorry for the long wait with this chapter, my online school really made me so unmotivated to do anything. now that it's over now tho, my inspiration is slowly coming back so expect more chapters :)) when i was writing the ice cream part i even figured out what ice cream flavors would match a lot of the other characters ^^

also sorry about this slightly boring chapter, i promise that it's going to get more interesting-

one more thing! since this is an au type deal, most of the characters go to the same school; sorry about that 💀

anyway, see you next update!~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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