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Still Y/N's p.o.V

"What are you doing here Ayato-kun?"  I asked curiously as he look at us with a blank stare  "I should be asking you that." He stated coldly  "Ah yes , Ama--" I was about to spilled Amatsu's name when he Amatsu suddenly covered my mouth.

"She is my friend Ayato." as Amatsu smiled to Ayato

"Ok." He answered

"So why are you here Ayato?" Amatsu asked him as he smirked  "........" Ayato-kun stayed in silence  "You don't need to be so shy Ayato." Amatsu's smirk widened .

It was a silence , and I decided to break the uncomfortable silence .

"I think you two need some private talk , I should go now" I wave my hand to them as I turn around , Amatsu grab my wrist  "No stay in here Y/N."

As I settled my self again beside Amatsu "Spill it out Ayato."  Ayato-kun didn't respond " Y/N you already know right?" Amatsu asked me out of the sudden  "Know?" I confusedly asked back to him  "Yes."

"What do you mean of 'know' ?"

"About Ayato's obsession on your bestfriend Taeko." I widened my eyes open , I sure know about Ayato-kun killing Osano on the spot  "I-I-I ...." I remembered what Ayato-kun said to me ...

"Don't you dare tell a single person about this , if you would ... I won't hesitate to kill you , understand?"

"I-I don't know."  I muttered under my breath afraid of being killed by Ayato-kun  "Don't lie to me Y/N."

"I umm....." I was nervous right now shaking in fear while Ayato-kun is glaring at me , I could feel his burning gaze  , I gulped  "Don't be afraid of Ayato , Y/N I'm here."  I look into his eyes and he was staring at me straight in the soul  "........I-I d-do-don't kno-know wha-what to sa-say..." I stuttered and directly facing the floor in embarrassment and fear .

"Just spill it L/N." Ayato-kun said in a cold tone as I bolted up straight  "Ha-Hai!" As Amatsu chuckled lightly "You're afraid of Ayato? *chuckles* that's pathetic isn't it Ayato?"

This was getting more uncomfortable isn't it ....right?

I didn't notice the time because of this awkward situation we're in suddenly the bell rings "Oh look at the time." Amatsu stated "You two should go to your class right now , you don't want to get a detention ~"

-fast forward- [ dismissal ]

I couldn't get out of my head about the scenes earlier , it is somehow stuck , I was walking through a street to go home when a hand make contact with me , I shiver at cold pale hands that was holding my wrist  " Amatsu-kun stop do--.."


" I need your help L/N." I gulped  "Wha-what kind of help Ayato-kun?" I was looking at the ground afraid to make eye contact  "Help me kill  Amao." chill runs through my spine in a speed of light at his simple sentence  "E-Eh?"

"Do I really need to repeat my sentence or should I--" he stopped and look coldly behind me  "What's wrong Ayato-kun?" I asked in fear , he didn't respond and walk away from me  when I turned my head to see no one...???

"That's weird....."

But out of curiosity I decided to stalk Ayato-kun...

-fast forward-

Now here I am resting in one of the couch of Ayato-kun after helping him cleaning his mess , it turns out that he kill Amao , I saw it with my two eyes and unfortunately I get the one to clean it while he disposed Amao's body , he came holding an cup ramen , and about his appearance he sure is Handsome af , his pale skin , red lips , pointed nose , black hair and eyes .

"Here." He handed me the cup ramen  "You can't cook?" I asked out of nowhere while he just stared at the cup ramen with a blank face and turned away blushing  "Ehh? Why are you blushing Ayato-kun??"  he then face me and gulped  "I imagined Taeko-senpai making me a di-dinner..." which made me chuckle  "Unfortunately Ayato-kun , Taeko doesn't know how to cook." this made his face directly glaring at me  "I'm just joking! hahaha" I laughed awkwardly  "I don't care if she doesn't know how to cook , what matter is she's mine." as he blush again.

I noticed it  .
he blush.
he smile.

because of Taeko.

"Ayato-kun , I know we're not close but mind if I ask you something?" he nod  "Why do you kill?"

"Why do you ask?" he replied back

"Just curios why?" I answered back

"Because I wanted to in order to have Taeko-senpai."

An awkward silence came.....after 5 minutes of awkward silence , I stand up .

"I've made my mind." I proudly stated , he put his stare at me  "Hmm?" 

" I'm cooking dinner!"

-thank you for reading

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