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Y/N's p.o.v

After I was dragged by Eugene , I was seated in front of him , he has a big smile plastered on his face .

"What's with dragging me in here?" I asked as he just keeps smiling , it's creeping me out ..

-fast forward-

Today Eugene was acting strange at all it's not like him , I know I only known him for days but it felt like I've known him for such a long time , I was standing in this dark alley in 10:25pm as Ayato-kun ordered me to come , I took another step as the lights turn off , I felt a cold hand on my wrist as I physically flinch at the sudden contact on my hand.


I heard a faint voice  "Ayato-kun?" 

"No it's Amatsu." He stated  "Amatsu-kun? What are you doing here?" I asked  "I should be the one asking you that question." I nervously chuckled  "Y-Yeahh ... Ayato-kun said to wait here" He nodded his head  "I should warn you about Ayato , Y/N."


"He was planning on killing you after confessing his feelings on Taeko this Friday." He stated calmly as he seriously look into my eyes  "Ayato-kun would never do that.." I muttered   "Yes he would." He defended his answer  "No He won't. I know Ayato-kun , he wouldn't that kind of thing!" He sighed heavily and kissing my forehead  "Be careful Y/N."  

"Tsk. What are you doing here Amatsu ?"

"Ayato." They glare at each other  "Why are you disappointed that I'm here?" Ayato-kun sighed at his actions  "Hmm Yes." He coldly  answered back to Amatsu .

"Well good to hear , I'm here to take Y/N away from you. "

"Your not taking her anywhere."

Amatsu drag me with him as I look at Ayato-kun looking at us coldly  "Y/N. You should choose wisely." Ayato-kun gaze land on mine  "Don't make Y/N choose." Amatsu once again interrupt  "None of your business four eyes." 

"It is my business Ayato. Y/N is my friend."

"Friend isn't it?" Ayato-kun smirked  "Yes."  

"Hell no."

"Why are you so affected to it Ayato?"  I keep glancing them  and was confused af  "Because she is also my friend."  Amatsu glared at Ayato-kun  "As you said Ayato."  I decided to break their intense glare  "I guess you two should go home it's late now."

"Why don't you tell her four eyes?" 



"Why can't you speak? Cat got your tongue?"

"Answer me four eyes tell on how you fell in love in this trash." I widened my eyes not just because of the sudden unknown feelings but on how Ayato-kun said  'trash'  , my heart once again clenched   "Don't you dare call Y/N a trash!"

"Heh. You thought that I wouldn't found out?"  Ayato-kun stated , he ....he is not the Ayato-kun I've known before... "And you." He fixed his gaze on me and spit his saliva in my left  "You disgusting bitch , falling for me? Guess what I wouldn't like someone as ugly as you." Unexpectedly there's no tears that came in falling , I felt empty , full empty  for the first time on what he said  , I couldn't look into his eyes anymore .

-fast forward-  ( After 2 days )

It's Thursday... Tomorrow is Friday ...

It's been two days since I haven't talked with Ayato-kun , he's been acting cold towards me , he would glare at me and pretend in front of Taeko , I couldn't care less anymore , he doesn't like me , obviously , who would like an ugly trash like me anyway.  "Y/N!" I turned my head to see Eugene

"Tomorrow is your birthday any plan? Hmm?" He excitedly asks me as I sadly smile at him  "I have no plan for tomorrow , my birthday is nothing special it makes me think and remember that I don't want to be born in the first place."  He pouted  "Don't say things like that Y/N!" He defended  "Yes I could Eugene. No one likes me anyway. No one care."

"It's not true! I-I-I care about you , you Idiot!" As he looked  away flustered  , I softly smile at him  "Thank you Eugene." As I gave him a hug  "Why does it feel like that your going away?" I sighed  "No I'm not but maybe soon."


"Tomorrow is your birthday little sister!" My brother  reminded me  "Yeah.."  As he sits down beside me in the couch  "So what are you plans?"  I look at him as he noticed it and look back  "What's wrong? Why do you look sad?"

" I want to die Shun. "

- thank you so much for reading

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