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        Class was starting.The teacher was looking at the other side of the room.Michelle turned around to see Siena.She smiled at her,then did the worst dance move ever.Then turned back around to act concentrated.Even though she wasn't.Because Siena was on her mind.Siena was plating with her pencil.Like she would with Michelle.But it wasn't worth it,because pencils aren't Michelle.This was the worst time ever for the both of them.Then som,eone stuck their head though the doorway.The teacher ran over and said the class could talk.So Michelle pulled a small piece of paper out of her desk and wrote something on it.She gave it to Siena.Siena's face lightened up when she saw the paper.It said,"BLAH BLAH BLAH,numbers heart I love you SiSi"Then Siena gave her a blow kiss.

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