Bulkhead Charile 13 (Teaser)

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23rd January 2553
SGT. James Harris. Platoon Sergeant. Age: 32. Height: 5'11. 23rd Platoon. UNSC Europa
Bulkhead Charlie 13. 09:38 (EST*) 14 minutes into the battle.
*EST is Earth Standard time
Over the Helmet comms I could hear, "14 platoon rendezvous with 23rd at bulkhead Charlie 13. This is not a drill I repeat, this is not a drill. Standby to repel boarders." And the thought kept racing through my mind. 'holy shit James, this is it. All these guys around you are depending on you to protect them'
Taking up positions around the door we all cocked our weapons and aimed them at the centre of the circular door. If this bulkhead fell. The enemy, whoever or whatever they were would only have 4 decks and 3 bulkheads until the bridge and Captain Mills. And I was not about to let that happen.
And then a Clamping sound of metal on metal, and everyone physically tensed. Then a Screeching sound and a blinding light. I turned away but then forced myself to look. Two red lights were moving slowly around the door.
"They're gonna blow it" I mumbled. And then suddenly realising
Sure enough about 12 seconds later pieces of airlock flew around the compartment and White Clad men stormed the room. There was no "Open fire" call just an instinctive move to fire, we fired bullets and they fired what appeared to be plasma but just didn't act in the same way. (We later found out it was Laser). They clearly weren't expecting such a tough resistance as at least a dozen lay just a few feet away from the machine gun emplacements. Dead silent or moaning in pain. Surrounded in a pool of blood. Our guys lay dead or wounded but no blood, the laser seemed to burn the wound shut, like boiling oil in the medieval period. Incredibly painful but survivable. Most of my platoon died because of the shock of pain.
The second attack overran our positions, with only a few of us surviving. I told them to run and tell the captain Charlie 13 was lost. When they asked about me I simply replied with.
"There are something's far more frightening than death"
As the bulkhead door shut I smirked. Thinking that if I'm going to die, I'm going to take a few of the bastards with me. I moved to the 20mm and let them have it with red laser all around me...

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