To the Stars

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23rd January 2553
MAJ. Micheal Williamson. Flight lead. Age: 27 Oyster Flight. UNSC Europa
Oyster-1. 09.24 EST* Zero Hour**
*Earth Standard Time
**The exact point something occurs
The Battle stations alarm is blaring as Major Williamson sprints to his ship, a Long Sword. His System-ops*, Lt. Jeffery Sommers, is already powering up the craft. Fumbling with his sealed flight suit, Mike tears up the ramp and slides into his pilots seat. *the system operator does as the name suggests, manages the systems. They handle the duties of a flight engineer, co-pilot, RIO (Radar Intercept Officer) and a navigator.
"Oyster flight, give me a go, no go for take off. Oyster-2."
"We're go Oyster-1"
Mike nods to Jeff who presses the switch to switch communication channels.
"Flight control this is Oyster flight we're go for launch"
"Go for it Oyster, good luck"
The LongSword edges out slowly from the open hanger doors unto an awesome sight: the Europa and Devious clashing in space, laser and projectile rounds flashing through the void with the rare MAC round slamming into the lumbering star destroyer. The rest of Oyster flight dash out of the hanger and it isn't long before the inevitable call comes out, from Oyster-4
"Heads up we got hostiles coming in quick, 9 o'clock high"
The TIE pilots spot the big LongSwords and immediately think they'll be a pushover. A big fat, juicy target like that; unshielded too? Inside Oyster-1 the tone on one of the AGSM-10 missiles growls inside Mike's right ear, indicating a lock. He squeezes the trigger as the missiles streaks away with a trail of blue flame, charging towards the mass of TIE fighters. Soon the other 3 oysters release a Missile and pull up sharply. All the TIE pilots unlucky enough to get targeted see is a flash of blue before their crafts explode in masses of debris. The Ensuing Fur-ball continues with the Longswords using their speed and durability to shrug off the TIE fighters, even if they can't outturn them. Then Jeff indicates over the radio:
"Bandits, Bandits, Bandits; 4' o clock low!"
Inside the TIE boarding craft the White clad StormTroopers stand patiently and smartly, ready to burst out into the target ship. The TIE pilots watch the fur ball with increasing concern. As of yet no LongSword has fallen. Mike dives down on the lumbering tie boarding craft and latches onto one, his wingman (Oyster-2) hot on his heels. The boarding craft detonates, Oyster-1 ploughing straight through the explosion as though it was just minor turbulence. Major Williamson spots another target and clings on tight. But this time the iconic wailing screech of the TIE fighter, roars over the canopy of Oyster-2 and two latch onto Oyster-1. Green laser light up and whizzes close by the LongSword but Mike doesn't break. Lasers slam into the left engine. The LongSword careens wildly, hurtling towards the Star Destroyer in a flat spin. Micheal Williamson desperately tries to regain control on the spacecraft, but it's no use; the LongSword roles over onto its back. Jeff Sommers punches out*...but Micheal Williamson is unable to escape the doomed Spacecraft. Lt.Sommers watches in horror as he sees no ejections and the LongSword explodes after hitting the star destroyer and a huge, but brief, fireball. Lt Sommers is left to drift in his spacesuit after activating his Emergency beacon.
Major Micheal Williamson Status| KIA
Lieutenant Jeffery Sommers Status| MIA

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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