Chapter 5 - No, no, no, We're Just Friends.

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I looked at my wall mirror yet again, examining my outfit to make sure I looked good. I was wearing a lacy white tunic, a light gray flowy skirt and some light brown combat boots. I sighed, straightening out my skirt.

I picked up my phone and fixed my hair before walking out of my room and creeping down the stairs. I peered round both corners to make sure my mum wasn't waiting for me. As I peered round the left corner I noticed she was in the kitchen with Kiera, the maid.

I smiled victoriously and tip toed to the front door, opening it, creeping out and closing it without making a noise. I started walking down the street before realising I had no idea where I was going. I squinted as I stopped walking.

I sighed as I looked around, looking for someone to help me find 'Jameson High School.' I eventually saw a car and I held out my hand, making the car stop. I walked up to it and crouched infront of the window.

A young woman was sat in the driver's seat, probably wondering why I stopped her. "Hey, by any chance do you know where Jameson High School is?" I asked her hopefully and she nodded, making me smile.

"Sure, it's not far from here, maybe a five minute walk? Umm, you go straight up and when you come to the third corner, go left and it will be infront of you." She spoke, making gestures with her hands, explaining how I would make it there.

I thanked her for the directions as she drove away and I made my way balk to the pavement, sighing as I looked infront of me. I started walking down the street and passed one corner successfully, waiting for the second.

Eventually I had passed another corner and I was now at the other corner, looking up at the large school in front of me. I puffed out a breath of air as I walked into what i assume is the reception. "hi, how may I help you?" The woman asked kindly.

"Oh, hello. Umm, i'm here to watch my friend play volleyball." I informed her and she nodded, smiling. "Umm, i'm new here can you show me how to get there?" I asked sheepishly and she nodded standing up from behind her desk.

She was a rather tall woman and she towered over me as she lead me down a long hallway, chatting away, thinking I was listening to her. I ocassionally nodded or said 'mhmm' to her as she laughed.

I looked at the pictures on the wall and noticed there was one of the volleyball team. I looked closely at it, seeing Ryan and Brayden in the front row and Mitch in the middle row, all of them with smiles on their faces.

I smiled at them and she hurried me, making me sigh quietly and follow her. "So who is it again you're coming to see play?" She asked, turning to look at me for a second, making me pay attention to her.

"Oh Umm, i'm actually coming to see three people play Ryan, Brayden and Mitch?" I tole her hoping there were no other 'Ryan, Mitch or Brayden's on the team as I didn't know their second names. We stayed silent for a second before speaking.

"Ooooh! Oh Yes, Brayden is a fantastic player, so are Mitch and Ryan. You've got yourself some good volleyball-playing friend" she laughed making me laugh too. "So which one is your boyfriend?" She asked, turning a corner.

I followed her along, my mind now only processing what she had just asked me. "Oh, no no no no, I don't have a boyfriend, they are just my friends." I laughed awkwardly and she yet again stayed silent, making me think I had done something wrong.

"No boyfriend? But you're so pretty!" She complemented, making me smile. "Anyway, here we are. You might want to go in quietly, some of the boys in there are like animals when they play." She laughed.

I laughed nervously, thinking one of them would jump me as she walked back the way we came. I glanced through the glass, seeing a game in progress. I slipped in and stuck to the wall, trying to avoid being hit.

I eventually made it to these stair things that everyone was sitting on and I slowly climbed to the top, apologising to people multiple times as I bumped into them. You see, English people come off really polite, as we say sorry a lot.

We even say sorry if it isn't even our fault. Like, once I got his my a door and I apologised to the guy that hit me with it as if it was my fault for getting in his way. Sorry is just an overly-used word in the English language.

I sat down on a stair thingy a couple away from the top as I searched for Brayden down below. I eventually found him dressed in white shorts and a white baggy top with red rimmings. He was focused on the game so he hadn't noticed me yet.

I watched him as he jumped for the ball, hitting it over the net and the whole team cheered, patting him on the back and such. "Hello there." A voice said, scaring me a little. I looked up and saw a boy towering over me, adding that im sitting down.

"Oh, hello." I smiled politely at him. He had dark brown hair styled into a quiff and was wearing skinny jeans, a long sleeved shirt and some greenish shoes the colour of sick. ewWwwWWwie.

"So, how come you're at a volleyball game?" He asked, still intimidating me by standing over me. I was about to answer him when he spoke again. "Volleyball honestly sucks, I prefer football." He spoke. I'm assuming he meant rugby.

"Umm, no actually rugby sucks in my opinion." I informed him and he sat down beside me, still staring at me, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. "And i'm here for my friend, what about you?" I asked.

"Originally here for my friend like you," He paused making me raise my eyebrow as I wondered why he was still here. "Now i'm here to try and get a cut British girl's number." He spoke, making me cringe at him calling me British.

"English." I corrected. "And no, you're not going to get my number." I spoke and glanced back at the playing field thingy to see they were no longer playing. DAMN! This guy made me miss Brayden's game.

"Ari!" A voice called and arms wrapped around me from behind. i wondered who would call me Ari when the scent of apples infured my nose. "You came." He whispered quietly, slowly letting me go. "Connor." he gritted the boy who was talking to me.

"Aww, Brayden finally got a girlfriend?" He asked and I was going to correct him about us being friends. "Well at least she matches you, an unattractive slut." He laughed, making no sense. technically you would have to be attractive to be a slut an--





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