It's all your fault(part 1)

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(Author's note)
This was a request by Alexis4daw and in this story Ritchie is a female called Ruby. This is set before the finale, but things have been changed up a little. Brandon has gone missing and no one knows why and Grandmaster Johnathan is still seen as a good guy. (Lol that rhymed) Alright, with that we shall begin the story!

(Ruby's pov)
She was sat at her desk filling out paperwork as usual. Glancing out of the window, she could see the sun was now high in the sky, lighting up the world after hours of being consumed by the darkness. This made her slightly confused, for her brother was supposed to be here at their shared office by now. She decided to shrug it off and returned to her paperwork. Throughout the day, Ruby became increasingly worried about Brandon's whereabouts. It came to the point that she could now longer just sit and wait. Unfortunately, when she headed downstairs to the guild hall, she was greeted by her entire guild.

(No one's pov)
"Oh hey Ruby!" Lucas greeted the guild leader with a warm smile.
"Hey Lucas, have you seen my brother anywhere?"
This caused a confused look to appear on his face. He opened his mouth to speak once again, but was suddenly shoved into the bar, groaning with pain upon impact.
"Hey what was that for?!" he snarled at David and Inmo, who were currently screaming at eachother.
"This idiot has gotten my nerves for the last time!" David shot spikes of ice towards the tailed wizard he was arguing with. Soon, Lucas joined in and all three started fighting, as the rest of the guild rolled their eyes in annoyance. Mario glanced over at Ruby, noticing her worried expression. Standing up, he strolled on over to her, whilst she was backing away from the fight and placed his hand on her shoulder. She jumped back in surprise.
"Sorry! I just wanted to make sure you were alright." he spoke in a hushed tone, steadying Ruby on her feet.

"I'm fine..I just-" her eyes widened and she stumbled once more, with Mario just barely catching her in time.
"Ruby?! What's wrong?!" his panicked cries caught the attention of the entire guild, including the squabbling trio across the room.
"What's going on?! Is she okay???" Kit scrambled over to help their guild leader to a seat.
"I.....the c-connection....g-gone..." was all Ruby was able to wheeze out, trembling as she did so. The rest of the guild shared a look, mumbling amongst themselves.
"Please tell us what's wrong." Mario looked on the verge of tears as he begged for her to explain. Suddenly, they all watched in horror as the lightning wizard slumped over, passing out in Mario's arms.

A few hours later

(Ruby's pov)
Her eyelids felt heavy as they reluctantly opened, causing a huge flash of light to fill her vision. The room around her was familiar, yet she couldn't quite figure out why. Three figures stood there; their lips were moving, but no sound was escaping from their mouths. Wait, that didn't make sense. How was that possible? Slowly, the brightness of her surroundings dimmed and she realised that her fellow guild leaders were in the room. Then she realised the room they were all in was the infirmary. She steadily sat up, drawing the attention of the others.

"Ruby, I'm glad to see you're awake." Michael had soft smile on his face, which was very rare for him. However, it quickly disappeared and he began to speak in a more serious tone.
"I'm sorry, but somone needs to say this and I doubt Silver or Bri want to. Neither do I, but as your best friend i feel i should."
Ruby was confused and scared.
"What do you mean? What's happened?" this was only met with an uncomfortable silence. She was beginning to get annoyed now.
"Well, what is it? Michael you just said it was your responsibility to tell me and now you're too scared to? Just spit it out or leave."
Surprisingly, Bri was the one to speak up.
"Brandon is missing. No one has been able to find him or sense his magic. We've looked all over Atlantide and we couldn't connect to his communication lycrama either."

No one said anything else, for they had no idea what to do in this situation. Ruby didn't know how to feel. She felt empty. She felt like half of a whole. She felt alone. She felt abandoned. She felt terrified. The next thing she knew, was Michael sitting down on the bed next to her. He gently rubbed her back as tears fell down her face. All she was aware of for the next few minutes was the other three muttering comforting words to her. Eventually, she shifted wear she was sat, leaning on Michael's shoulder. She felt him wrap both of his arms around her, pulling her in close. It was as if he was trying to protect her. He made her feel safe.

One month later

(Still Ruby's pov)
Grandmaster Johnathan had asked to speak with her, so she was headed towards the main city of Atlantide. For the past few days, Ruby had been on a quest, which involved taking out yet another dark guild. Those kind of missions were much easier to do with her brother, but he was gone now. She paused for a moment, holding back a few tears that were trying to escape. After a few moments, she storm blinked over to the building Johnathan's office was in. She bumped into him outside, for he had just returned from some important business with the council.

"Ah Ruby, just the person I was waiting for. Please do follow me inside."
The two of them headed swiftly over to his office. He asked his assistant to leave whilst they spoke. That seemed rather odd to Ruby.
"What did you wish to speak to me about Johnathan?" she asked, hoping nothing bad had happened.
"I've noticed you have been over working yourself lately."
Ruby was rather shocked by this. It was true, although she'd never admit it, she had been doing more work than she could probably handle. However, there was a reason and of course it was so she could be distracted. She wanted to forget about Brandon being gone. Everytime she thought of him, she began to tear up and she felt a stabbing sensation in her chest. Johnathan must have noticed that she had zoned out, for he then cleared his throat.
"Oh I'm so sorry, i guess i have been putting more on my plate than i should. It's fine though, it'll be fine." Ruby hoped this was believable, though she had her doubts even as she said it.
"I don't think you can. After all, you're weak so make sure not to push yourself past your limit."
"Yes I won't and i-" she stopped mid sentence, as his words finally sank in.
"Did you just say I am weak?" her blood began to boil, fuelling her with a sudden, deadly rage.
"Why of course. Otherwise how do you explain your brother being gone?"

Those words slammed into her like a truck. It was as though her soul had been torn from her body. She could merely watch helplessly as her body began to shake. Was it from fear or anger? Honestly she couldn't even tell. All that mattered was that Johnathan's thoughts were mirroring her own. It was all her fault that Brandon was gone and nothing would change that. Small, dark spots encompassed her vision, distorting the room around her into a blur. She slowly turned around and stumbled out of the office. Still swaying from side to side, she storm blinked all the way back to Divinus Magia.

(Author's note)
Okay so this is getting really long so I'm gonna make a part two for this. Hope you all enjoyed this part and I know it's not too good but oh well, hopefully it's still enjoyable.

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