His mate (OoO 2)

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(Inpu's pov)I was sat in the egyptian common room, watching Solis with amusement

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(Inpu's pov)
I was sat in the egyptian common room, watching Solis with amusement. He was being is regular idiotic self, prancing around the area for absolutely no reason.
"Hey! Can we go get some candy???" he leaped infront of me, continuing to beg for whatever nonsense he wanted. His eyes were lit up due to his pure joy and excitement. He was so childlike, yet I still felt drawn to him. Watching him being so happy, I felt a smile spread across my face, as my whole mood was uplifted. Love really is an odd thing. I hated him whilst loving him at the same time. Suddenly, he tackled me down to the ground, pinning me beneath him. He was just sat there giggling, leaving me to be extremely uncomfortable. My cheeks heated up, until they might as well have been on fire.
"Get off of me!!!" I reached to my side and grabbed my book, before hitting him on the head with it.
"Okay okay!"
He took his sweet time crawling off me, which only infuriated me more. Growling, I waited for him to hurry up.

"Ooo this reminds me!" he exclaimed after finally standing up again.
"Remind you of what?"
"Can you go on a quest with meee?"
"Uhhhhh, I don't think thats a go-"
"That's awesome! Let's go!!!!"
He took hold of my hand, dragging me oustide the pyramid. For some reason, I allowed him too, unable to remove my gaze from where our hands were intertwined. However, I soon snapped out of it when he started actually describing this mysterious quest.
"It's in this weird cave thingy in the desert and there's loads of stuff to fight!!! Fun fun fun!"
"Solis no!" I yelled, pulling back from him. He turned around to face me, sadness clear on his face.
"Because you're being an idiot again! If you go out to the middle of nowhere and fight some random monsters in a cave, you're gonna die!!!"
"That's why I'm bring you with me! So I don't get lost!"
"No!" I snapped, feeling my ears press tightly to my skull, as my tail lowered itself down between my legs. "I'm not going anywhere with you solis! So you can go on that mission, but don't expect me to help you or care if you don't come back!!!"
He gave no response. Turning around, I saw that he had run off crying.
"This is for his own good..." I whispered to myself, tears threatening to spill from my own eyes.

(Solis's pov)
"I'll prove him wrong, I know I will!"
I was walking through the hot desert, thinking about Inpu. He really doesn't believe in me, does he? I shoved all those bad thoughts to the back of my head, focusing on my awesome quest. Holding a map in my hand, I had still managed to get lost. Maybe I should've found somone else it go with me and help with this kind of thing. After about an hour, I collapsed on the burning sand, groaning from sheer boredom. All I wanted was to fight stuff. Suddenly, I heard something scuttling toward me, causing me to leap onto my feet. A strange creature, which reminded me of Scar, was charging at me. The closer it got, the more I realised just how big it was; this thing was well over twice my size.
"Woo hoo! Come get me!" I dashed towards it, with a huge grin upon my face. Soon, I was close enough to raise my weapon high above my head, before using all my strength to slam it down onto the creature. It completely shattered the part of its shell that I had hit. Readying myself for my next attack, I felt something sharp dig into my back. That's when everything went black.

(Inpu's pov)
I hadn't seen Solis for a few days and that was beginning to make me worry. Everytime somone entered the pyramid, I darted over to the entrance to see if it was him. It never was. On the third day, I was sat on my bed, enjoying a new book I had found, but I couldn't concentrate on it at all. The fact that he was still out there all alone was tearing me apart.
"Thats it! I'm going to find him."
I stormed out, practically sprinting towards Solis's room. Searching through all his belongings, it took me twenty minutes to find information about the place I assumed he was talking about. I picked up the book, flicking through its pages until I found a map to this ancient temple.
"Alright buddy, I'm coming for you."
I ran at full speed past my sibling Magnus, causing them to stumble into the wall. Normally, I would've stopped to explain and apologise, but Solis needed my help, so that would have to wait for when I return.

Countless hours later, I arrived at a temple that was built into the side of a sand dune. It appeared to be thousands of years old; possibly even older. The entrance was guarded by a large monster that looked weirdly similar to Scar. Oh no, what if he tried to pet that thing or something?! It suddenly threw itself at me, giving me a few seconds to jump back, just barely dodging in time. Luckily, it only took a few minutes to deal with that thing. I couldn't find Solis anywhere, which was beginning to make me panic. Running around the temple, I continuously cried out his name, begging for any sign that he was alive. All of a sudden, my foot got caught on something in the sand, sending me tumbling over. I just assumed that it was a rock, due to its size, at least that was until it groaned in pain. Glancing down to examine whatver I had tripped on, I realised that it was exactly who I had been looking for.

He lifted his head a little, barely able to open his eyes.
"I-inpu? You c-came for m-m-me?"
"Of course! Now hold still so I can help you, okay?"
He nodded slowly, passing out a few moments later. Without hesitation, I tore off sections of my clothes to use them as temporary bandages for his more severe wounds. I would have to attend to them properly back at camp. Speaking of those injuries, his entire body was littered with dark bruises, alongside deep cuts, many of which seemed to be infected. He was skinnier than usual, though it wouldn't have been noticable to me if I didn't spend all my time with him. I was internally screaming at myself for taking so long to come find him, for I should have known he would get hurt. Gently lifting his limp body, I positioned him securely onto my back, before beginning my journey to the camp. It took a lot longer than I had originally thought, meaning that night arrived when we were barely half way there.

At first, I was considering just soldiering onwards, but that would be a problem if I ran into any monsters. I placed him down at the foot of a tree and gathered small twigs that were scattered around on the floor. Throwing them down, I then struggled for about ten minutes to create the fire. Once the flame was ablaze, I smirked proudly, spinnng around to find Solis crawling closer to the heat.
"Hey! Don't move without my help!" I hissed, trying not to be too loud, for that would bring unwanted attention to us.
"S-sorry....I wanted the warmth..." he muttered, slowly getting quieter and quieter. I wrapped my arms around him, dragging him closer to the fire.
"Yay!" he exclaimed quietly, before having a minor coughing fit.
"There, there." I spoke softly to him, whilst rubbing circles on his back. "You just need to take it easy Solis."
He stared at me for a few minutes. What do I do?! He won't look away.....wait. Is he blushing?
"Hey Inpu?"
Without another word, he shuffled towards me, practically suffocating me within a hug. I didn't yell at him though. In fact I did the opposite, pulling him as close as humanly possible. We enjoyed the calming atmosphere that seemed to have been created just for us. The only sounds being the crackling of the flames and the occasional rustling of trees in the wind.

Sorry about the ending. I honestly lost all inspo to write this and it turned out bad. Anyways, I hope you were still able to enjoy this. Thankyou for requesting @GoddessOfWind8Water

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