Chapter 9: Enough

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"Ah. Fashionably late for the ball huh Prince Charming." Fletcher let's out a brief chuckle "Yes. Your highness I lost track of time while reading and my bath." He looked at Aurora smiling softly as she let's a tinge of red surface her cheeks. Elizabeth had enough of Prince Charming and walked to the royal family and bowed respectfully. "Your highness I'd hate to intrude but I have never seen this man in a lifetime and I know everyone. He couldn't be nobility." Fletcher turned looking at her "You aren't nobility either you married into nobility by Sir Luke Raver, his son Fletcher is the one who holds the title of nobility and where might he be?" Elizabeth stiffens looking at him as Fletcher stood "At the manor tending to things he pay the staff to do I know that boy all too well he is the one who takes care of everything. But what does your sons do absolutely nothing but shove their gullets full of food." The king looked at Fletcher "How do you know of this Prince Charming?" Fletcher opened his jacket slipping a letter from his jacket handing it over to the king. "He was the one to save the princess and get the royal chariot moving he's been treated like a peasant and for what reason?" He turned to look at Elizabeth eyed him speaking "What are you to question my parenting? Do you even have a invitation?" Fletcher pulled an invitation from his jacket showing it to her. "Are we do here if so I'd like to enjoy the ball" Fletcher stepped down the steps and dances with a maiden. The king reads the letter that Fletcher had written. "He's the son of Luke Raver and famous seamstress Eliza Raver. He knows every detail that happened. Guards send for him in the early morning we must meet him."

Fletcher was heading to the door as Aurora gets up picking up her dress going after him. Fletcher was heading down the stairs as Aurora called to him "Prince Charming" Fletcher held in his tracks turning to look at her. Aurora heads down the stairs as Fletcher waited glancing back at Butch who have been waiting patiently for him. Aurora goes to him putting her hand into his taking a deep breathe. "You're a very interesting man Prince Charming. You're not like the other nobility inside. You're strong, smart, and don't believe anyone is below you" Fletcher looked at her "No one is below anyone if your cut a nobels wrist and a peasants wrists they bleed the same color." Aurora nods looking at him with a smile "You really are different." Fletcher leans down gently kissed her as Aurora pulled him down a bit kissing him. They kissed longingly unaware of Tucker eyeing them. Fletcher separates from her lips looking at her "If I've imagined my night to have gone this way I wouldn't be in such a rush to leave." Aurora gripped his arm looking at him "You don't have to leave father has extra rooms available." Fletcher gripped her chin "I'd love to stay but I have a manor to attend to." He gently kissed her and goes down the stairs getting on his faithful companion. He blows a kiss to the princess kicking at Butch's side riding to the manor. Aurora took a deep breathe her heart beating like mad heading upstairs to the palace heading to the doors pushing them open. She heads to the throne sitting back in her throne. "Seems that suitor is becoming more and more enduring to you dear." The queen lightly nudged her daughter smiling. Aurora nods "He's becoming more enchanting the more he speaks to me."

Fletcher was getting undressed hiding the clothes. He hides his ring away dressing in his regular clothing stepping down. He leaned against the wall lightly a candle sitting against the window seal taking his quill. He dipped the tip of the quill into his ink well and began writing. 'My "family" had went out to the ball little did they know I snuck out to dance with someone elegant. She has beauty, grace and smarts she and I didn't get a chance to dance tonight but this night she chased after me. Bashful she was I could sense it but she told me what she thought of me. My heart flew into my throat when I had worked up the courage to kiss her. I didn't want to pull away but I knew that the ball would end and my "family" will return and I'd be beaten mercilessly. I had to say goodbye to her no matter how much I wanted to stay. I fear if I stayed we would've done something we weren't suppose to because she's not of age yet.' Fletcher rummaged in a bag grabbing a pinch of powder dusting it the page to dry the ink quickly. He heard the galloping of horses as he puts away the journal sitting at the window seal. He heard only a set of footsteps as Tucker pushed open his door. He shuts the door and pushes the dresser behind the door. Fletcher looked seeing he branded a knife eyeing him. "What have I told you about speaking to nobility Shepard!" Tucker charged at him as Fletcher closed his eyes and opened them imagining Aurora was standing in front of him.

Fletcher grabbed Tucker's arm headbutted him knocking the knife away from him. Tucker grunts going to punch him as Fletcher dodged his punch returning it with his own. Tucker fell to the ground and spits his own blood. "You little shit I'm going to kill you." Fletcher watched him get up beginning to fight him with all his might. Fletcher punched him and kicked him into the dresser that blocked the door. Tucker leaned against the dresser out of breathe stammering to get up. "Why do you hate me Tucker what did I ever do to you?" Fletcher walked to him as Tucker takes a cheap shot and spits blood at him "You exist." Fletcher moves his dresser and opens the door grabbing Tucker by his shirt pushing him out. He shut the door and pushed the dresser in front of it. He takes the knife and tucked it away as he laid down dozing off. He slept until the morning break woke him. He gets up removing the dresser and opened the door. He takes his bow and quiver heading down the staircase and outside to set Butch up for a hunting trip. He was into his preparation he didn't hear the chariot pull into the courtyard. The brothers and the mother exit the house watching as the king steps out the chariot. "Raver family you have someone that I want to dine with me for lunch a lad named Fletcher Raver." Elizabeth frowned "You won't find that peasant here." The king shakes his head and jesters to his squire. "In the time of Fletcher was to be birth Luke Raver and Eliza Raver dated that they had one son named Fletcher Raver. He isn't reported dead and he lives here." The chef comes out "You'll find Master Raver out by the stables he's preparing for a hunting trip if you're quick enough you may catch him." Tucker turned to the chef "Shut your mouth peasant" the chef looked at him "I'm a peasant but so are you. Fletcher Raver pays me to be here not you, you have no authority over me."

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