Chapter 12: Of Age

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They walked in the garden speaking little as they get to a marble bench. Aurora takes a seat and jesters for Fletcher to take one aswell. Fletcher takes a seat looking at her as she spoke "Prince Charming, we have met in grim situation you have been nothing but a mystery to me. You're here to win my hand like all the rest but you approached much differently. The others are barbaric thinking of my pretty face and compliments my appearance. Not you. You compliment the things I like and it's interesting and enchanting but why? I'm sure there's other princesses from other kingdoms who'd love someone like you." Fletcher looked at her speaking broadly "True there are other princesses from different cultures and other traditions. I was born here in this kingdom I own a manor here. I knew you since I was a lad and I fell in love while we grew apart. I saw you less and you forgot my face." Aurora looked at him as Fletcher looked at the sky "But sitting here with you reminds me that our feelings for each other when I was a lad and you a young lass never had changed. You have always seen me as different and charming." Aurora smiles fiddling with her dress looking at him. "I drew something for you actually that's why I asked you to join me out here." She reached underneath grabbing her book slipping out a page showing it to him. "It's a reminder that if I can't choose you. I still am madly in love with you." Fletcher puts his hand in hers staring at the picture as he looked at her. "It's beautiful thank you but is my nose really that big" he lightly joked causing Aurora to snort. "Your nose is that big but it suits your face very much."

Aurora tilts his head to look at him Fletcher looked at her in her eyes. They both leaned in kissing deeply drawing in closer. Fletcher began kissing on her neck stopping himself "I'm sorry. You're not of age and I'm doing this." The bell tower rung midnight as Aurora kissed him deeply. "I am now." Aurora gets up taking his hand leading him to the hidden archway into the palace. She took him up the spiral staircase into the royal quarters. They snuck around dodging and hiding from the servants till reaching Aurora's bedroom. Aurora shuts her door as Fletcher took her hands softly kissing them. They exchanged in kisses and soon their clothes removed dropping on the floor. Fletcher bedded Aurora with as much love as he could give because she of all people set a fire in him. They laid there out of breathe in Aurora's bed. "Aurora, if you don't wed anyone else. Would you be my bride?" Aurora nods gently kissing him as Fletcher puts his arms around her lower waist. He laid against her taking a deep breathe laying his head down falling asleep. The two fell asleep cuddling each other only by the shining of light they woke up. Aurora was the first to wake lifting up turning to the man that had bedded her nuzzling into his chest. Fletcher than woke from the light shining in his eyes he lightly groaned waking up. He looked down seeing Aurora in his chest as they laid there for moments only to hear the sound of footsteps. Fletcher quickly gets up gathering his clothes putting them on. "Princess Aurora it's time for breakfast" Aurora reached for her nightly gown putting it on. She tossed aside her dress laying in bed taking out her journal.

Fletcher his behind the doorway as it opened the servant comes in with a tray of food. "Up bright and early as usual that charming young man rattling at your thoughts again" the servant questions as Fletcher slipped out the door and quickly leaves. "Yes, he was last night he told me what he thought about me. Apparently he knew me and we grew apart as we grew up. I forgot his face but he didn't forget mine." The servant chuckles "How could he you're the eldest daughter to the king and heir to the throne if he doesn't see your face he's definitely blind." Aurora smiles looking at the spread of breakfast. "He's not blind but he's not ordinary either he's not like the other nobles he has this strange behavior of listening. While the other nobles will do their best to correct me as soon as I say something wrong." She sighs heavily sitting down her journal beginning to eat her breakfast. Fletcher took a deep breathe having successful exited the castle. He seen Butch his faithful steed still waiting for him. Fletcher pets the slumbering steed who woke up neighing softly. Fletcher quietly shushed him getting onto his back clicking his teeth as they went off to the manor. He rode to the manor in which he called home and hops off the steed. He entered in the house only to have his family stare at him. "Shepard where have you been?" Elizabeth thunders standing up looking at him. "Probably with that peasant which he plans to bed once she of age" Fletcher looked at Tucker as he adjusted his clothing. "Where I've been is my business. Mine and those who I was accompanied by business. But if you was so concerned I was with the townsfolk after I taken down a mighty bear on my lonesome."

"No you was with that strumpet a whore of a woman who let you bed her before she was of age" Ben spoke as Fletcher eyes narrowed "Watch your tongue because I'm not the one sneaking around with Mary-Beth." Ben redden stammering unable to speak on the account that it's true. "Silence my son's affairs are none of your concern" Fletcher straightens eyeing Elizabeth "It is my concerns it's your sons and you who give the household Raver a bad name. You're lazy if it wasn't for I and I alone the entire staff will be gone. Because your sons are too lazy to get off their sorry hides and work." Elizabeth goes over to slap him as Fletcher caught his hand "Unhand me." Fletcher kept her wrist in his hand and eyes her "No you're going to listen and listen well. I am not a dog that you discipline for causing harm to you. I'm a nobleman I own this house because my father and mother left it to me. Their eldest and only son." He pushed her away looking at her "You all aren't my family you ceased to be when my father passed on. You was never were to begin with. You saw me as nothing but a miscreant that had came with the wealth and good name." Elizabeth looked at him growling "You are nothing without us. We keep this house buzzing with people." Fletcher looked at her "Really? I hire the staff aplenty and this place buzzes with the servant who serve me. The guest you allow here are barbarians and oafs. There are perfectly good people in the townsfolk but you and every other nobleman think you're above them."

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